Anna Christina Maria WATTENBERG


Type Value Date Place Sources
name Anna Christina Maria WATTENBERG


Type Date Place Sources
death 1. January 1844
Gohfeld, Westfalen, Preussen, Germany Find persons in this place
baptism 11. April 1779
Valdorf, Westfalen, Preussen, Germany Find persons in this place
birth 7. April 1779
Wehrendorf, Westfalen, Preussen, Germany Find persons in this place
marriage 26. December 1818
Gohfeld, Westfalen, Preussen, Germany Find persons in this place


Marriage ??spouse_en_US??Children
26. December 1818
Gohfeld, Westfalen, Preussen, Germany
Rudolph Heinrich EICKHOFF

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Title 2025
Id 67203
Upload date 2025-01-01 11:51:57.0
Submitter user's avatar Dieter Meise visit the user's profile page


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