Hedwig Mathilde Friederike BOELTER


Type Value Date Place Sources
name Hedwig Mathilde Friederike BOELTER


Type Date Place Sources
death 18. DEZ.1922
birth 10. November 1875
Stettin, Preußen Find persons in this place


1 Germany, Select Births and Baptisms, 1558-1898 - Ancestry.com - 2014 - Provo, UT, USA - 1,9866::0 - https://family
2 Hamburg, Deutschland, Sterberegister, 1874-1950 - Ancestry.com - 2015 - Provo, UT, USA - 1,60505::0 - 1,60505::1658659005
3 Ancestry Family Trees - 1,1030::0 - Ancestry.com - Ancestry Family Tree -426101124:1030:11603814<br> - Germany, <br>
4 Hamburg, Deutschland, Sterberegister, 1874-1950 - Ancestry.com - 2015 - Provo, UT, USA - 1,60505::0 - 1,60505::1658659005
5 Germany, Select Births and Baptisms, 1558-1898 - Ancestry.com - 2014 - Provo, UT, USA - 1,9866::0 - https://family


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