Emanuel BROSS
Type | Value | Date | Place | Sources |
name | Emanuel BROSS |
Type | Date | Place | Sources |
death | 3. January 1917 | Terry,Prairie,MT,USA
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birth | 17. September 1880 | Alt-Postal,Akkerman,Bessarabien,RUS
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marriage | 7. April 1907 |
Marriage | ??spouse_en_US?? | Children |
7. April 1907
Christina GACKLE |
Unique identifier(s)
GEDCOM provides the ability to assign a globally unique identifier to individuals. This allows you to find and link them across family trees. This is also the safest way to create a permanent link that will survive any updates to the file.
Title | KoeppeNet.de - Genealogie |
Description | Familienforschung KÖPPE - BUCK - RENTSCHLER - VOLLE & GÄCKLE | Ahnenforschung in Bremen, Brandenburg (Dorf Zinna bei Jüterbog), Sachsen-Anhalt und Baden-Württemberg (Möttlingen) |
Id | 57211 |
Upload date | 2024-12-15 11:34:02.0 |
Submitter |
![]() |
klaus-koeppe@t-online.de | |
??show-persons-in-database_en_US?? |
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