Thomas Lewis WALKER
Type | Value | Date | Place | Sources |
name | Thomas Lewis WALKER |
Type | Date | Place | Sources |
baptism | 10. September 1826 | Askrigg, Yorkshire North Riding, England
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death | 3. October 1907 | Grant County, Wisconsin, USA
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burial | 6. October 1907 | Ebenezer, Jefferson, Wisconsin, United States
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birth | 28. September 1825 | Askrigg, Wensleydale, Yorkshire, England
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marriage | 4. July 1854 | Highland, Iowa, Wisconsin, United States
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Marriage | ??spouse_en_US?? | Children |
4. July 1854
Highland, Iowa, Wisconsin, United States |
Mary Ann THOMAS |
Notes for this person
Sailed to the U.S. on February 25, 1849 with his brother Peter. They voyage lasted 9 weeks and they arrived in New Orleans. Served in Co. H, Wisconsin 7th Volunteer Infantry, "The Iron Brigade" from February 1, 1865 through July 30, 1865. Ref: Commemorative Biographical Record of Rock, Green, Grant, Iowa, and Lafayette Counties, Wisconsin, 1901.
RIN: MH:N5192
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Title | Hejda-Heyda-Hayda_Bitterling_Oehmke |
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