Type | Value | Date | Place | Sources |
name | Phebe TYLER |
Type | Date | Place | Sources |
death | between 19. February 1730 and 1731 | Wallingford,New Haven,Ct
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birth | 28. October 1700 | Wallingford,New Haven,Ct
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marriage | 29. April 1718 | Wallingford,New Haven,Ct
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William TYLER | Mary LATHROP |
Marriage | ??spouse_en_US?? | Children |
29. April 1718
Wallingford,New Haven,Ct |
Samuel BEACH |
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GEDCOM provides the ability to assign a globally unique identifier to individuals. This allows you to find and link them across family trees. This is also the safest way to create a permanent link that will survive any updates to the file.
Title | Maerkle ancestors and neighbors |
Description | Consisting of MAERKLE ancestors and neighbors in the Balingen Oberamt, Schwarzwaldkreis, Wuerttemberg area. My parents are Henry Thomas Rogers and Jane Christine Markle. Most of my information came from LDS microfilms found in Family Search. If you find errors or want help with related research, please contact me at Wenn Sie Fehler finden oder Hilfe bei der Recherche benötigen, kontaktieren Sie mich bitte unter MY records are frequently renewed. If you use a URL to relocate a person it will fail. Use the person's name to find them again. Meine Aufzeichnungen werden häufig erneuert. Wenn Sie eine URL verwenden, um eine Person zu verschieben, schlägt dies fehl. Verwenden Sie den Namen der Person, um sie wiederzufinden. |
Id | 65079 |
Upload date | 2023-07-20 23:15:44.0 |
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??show-persons-in-database_en_US?? |