Hedwig Bertha Caroline RÄBIGER


Type Value Date Place Sources
name Hedwig Bertha Caroline RÄBIGER
religion evangelisch


Type Date Place Sources
death 22. October 1918
Buckow (Berlin-Neukölln) Find persons in this place
baptism 23. July 1893
Stralsund, St. Marien Find persons in this place
birth 29. May 1893
confirmation March 1907
Stralsund, St. Marien Find persons in this place


1 StA Buckow (Berlin-Neukölln), Sterbeurk.-Nr. 1019/1918
Abbreviation: StA Buckow (Berlin-Neukölln)
2 KB ev Stralsund, St. Marien, Taufen 1884-1897, Nr. 119/1893
Abbreviation: KB ev Stralsund, St. Marien
3 KB ev Stralsund, St. Marien, Konfirmationen 1887-1930
Abbreviation: KB ev Stralsund, St. Marien

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Title Räbiger

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Id 64131
Upload date 2025-02-14 10:36:52.0
Submitter user's avatar Karen Feldbusch visit the user's profile page
email megoli@gmx.de


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