Anna Maria Louisa CHRISTIAN

Anna Maria Louisa CHRISTIAN


Type Value Date Place Sources
Name Anna Maria Louisa CHRISTIAN


Type Date Place Sources
birth 10. April 1858 Lebanon, Wisconsin search of this place
burial Emmanuel Lutheran Cemetary, Old Lebanon, Wis. search of this place
death 25. September 1938 Ixonia, Wisconsin search of this place
residence 1870
residence 1880
marriage 31. May 1877 Lebanon, Wisconsin search of this place

Spouses and Children

Marriage Spouse Children
31. May 1877
Lebanon, Wisconsin
Theodore Friedrich SCHUETT


1 FamilySearch Stammbaum
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Title Familie Schwefel
Description Daten der Familie Schwefel und ihrer Verwandten.
Uploaded 2022-09-26 04:29:25.0
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