Margaret Frances MCLEAN
Type | Value | Date | Place | Sources |
name | Margaret Frances MCLEAN | 0 |
Type | Date | Place | Sources |
death | 2017 | Montana, USA
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birth | 1919 | Granite, USA
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marriage | 1944 |
Marriage | ??spouse_en_US?? | Children |
Howard Wright COPENHAVER |
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Title | Koschneiderei/West Prussia, Berlin/Prussia, Stettin/Pomerania, Friedeberg/Posen, Canada, USA, México, Australia, Switzerland |
Description | Ancestors Abram Courtesy of *A. Ackerman, R. M. Andersen Alle Angaben sind rein forschungshypothetisch, zumal auch die urkundlich dokumentierten Angaben nicht notwendig korrekt sind - Stichwort Kuckuckskinder. * felizitas * |
Id | 35422 |
Upload date | 2024-11-27 14:08:17.0 |
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