Maria NN


Type Value Date Place Sources
name Maria NN


Type Date Place Sources
death 16. January 1763
birth calculated 1702
marriage about 1720


Marriage ??spouse_en_US??Children
about 1720
Johan Henrich WIEDIGEN

Unique identifier(s)

GEDCOM provides the ability to assign a globally unique identifier to individuals. This allows you to find and link them across family trees. This is also the safest way to create a permanent link that will survive any updates to the file.

Identical Persons

GEDBAS contains copies of this person (probably submitted by other researchers). This list is based on the UID feature of GEDCOM.

Name Details files Title ??submitter_en_US?? Upload date
Maria NN * 1702 + 1763 Istha 67342 Irmtraud Albrecht 2025-03-10


Title Albrecht1
   Diese Seite wird ständig fortentwickelt, weil sich immer neue Erkenntnisse ergeben, insbesondere seit die Kirchenbücher in><online stehen.
Id 46827
Upload date 2025-03-13 21:15:22.0
Submitter user's avatar Irmtraud Albrecht visit the user's profile page


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