Emma Margaretha BREDEHOFT


Type Value Date Place Sources
name Emma Margaretha BREDEHOFT


Type Date Place Sources
death 8. February 1968
Weeping Water, Cass County, Nebraska, USA Find persons in this place
burial 12. February 1968
Wyuka Cemetry, Nebraska City, Otoe County, USA Find persons in this place
birth 15. March 1889
Otoe County, Nebraska, USA Find persons in this place
marriage 17. October 1912
Berlin, Otoe County, Nebraska, USA Find persons in this place


Marriage ??spouse_en_US??Children
17. October 1912
Berlin, Otoe County, Nebraska, USA
Paul Ludwig LANGE

Notes for this person

78 J alt

lt. US Census 1900 & 1940


1900- North Branch Precinct, Otoe County, Nebraska

1935 - Rural, Otoe, Nebraska

1940 - Berlin, Otoe, Nebraska, USA

marital status: maried, relation to head of house: Wife


1 ancestry.de - Engelken 35,704; Eigentümer: erscolo - 17.03.2010 ancestry.de - US Census 1940 und U.S. find a grave index 1600-heute - 08.05.2015

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Title Familie_Ahnen von Claudia Stock
Id 22552
Upload date 2018-02-18 18:13:04.0
Submitter user's avatar Claudia Stock visit the user's profile page
email claudia.stock@outlook.de


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