Joachim Wilhelm BROCKMANN


Type Value Date Place Sources
name Joachim Wilhelm BROCKMANN


Type Date Place Sources
death 31. July 1853
Klappenkrug, Tempzin Bibow Ksp, Crivitz da, Mecklenburg Schwerin Find persons in this place
baptism 30. January 1799
Alt Schlagsdorf, Retgendorf Ksp, Mecklenburg da Ra, Mecklenburg Schwerin Find persons in this place
burial 3. August 1853
Klappenkrug, Tempzin Bibow Ksp, Crivitz da, Mecklenburg Schwerin Find persons in this place
birth 28. January 1799
Alt Schlagsdorf, Retgendorf Ksp, Mecklenburg da Ra, Mecklenburg Schwerin Find persons in this place
census 1819
Damelow Daemelow Gut, Tempzin Ksp, Crivitz da, Mecklenburg Schwerin Find persons in this place
confirmation 1814
Klappenkrug, Tempzin Bibow Ksp, Crivitz da, Mecklenburg Schwerin Find persons in this place
marriage 6. June 1823
Rampe, Zittow, Schwerin da, Mecklenburg-Schwerin Find persons in this place


Marriage ??spouse_en_US??Children
6. June 1823
Rampe, Zittow, Schwerin da, Mecklenburg-Schwerin
Magdaelena Sophia LEMBCKE

Notes for this person


abreitsmann wilhjelm joahci matthias hecht

der ossate joachim hart fechter ehefr

ma- doroth el.. aus schlagsdorf

Name: Jochen Wilhelm Brockmann

Event Type: Taufe (Baptism)

Birth Date: 28 Jan 1799

Baptism Date: 30 Jan 1799

Baptism Place: Retgendorf, Mecklenburg, Deutschland (Germany)

Father: Joch. Frieder. Brockmann

Mother: Mr. Brockmann

Parish as it Appears: Retkendorff Buchholz

City or District: Retgendorf

Page Number: 28;29

Author: Evangelische Kirche Retgendorf (AG. Schwerin)


Name: Jochim Brockmann

Gender: männlich (Male)

Status or Occupation: Sohn Desselbre

Birth Date: Jan 1798

Birth Location: Alt Schlagsdorff

Town: Damelow

District: Ritteramt Crivitz


Birth: in Alt Schlagsdorf, Retgendorf Ksp, Mecklenburg Ra, Mecklenburg-Schwerin

v: weber friedrich brockmann, Klappenkrug bei Konf 14 J

geb alt schlagsdorf


v: joh jaochim brockmann, weber

m maria schütterow

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Name Details files Title ??submitter_en_US?? Upload date
Joachim Wilhelm BROCKMANN * 1799 Alt Schlagsdorf, Retgendorf Ksp, Mecklenburg da Ra, Mecklenburg Schwerin + 1853 Klappenkrug, Tempzin Bibow Ksp, Crivitz da, Mecklenburg Schwerin 67273 Brockmann Ingo 2025-01-23


Title BrockmannFamilien

Unterschiedliche Brockmann Familien

Id 54637
Upload date 2024-12-24 19:22:43.0
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