Margaretha FEHNL
Type | Value | Date | Place | Sources |
name | Margaretha FEHNL |
Type | Date | Place | Sources |
death | before 10. June 1651 | Dörnsdorf, Dolina, Měděnec, Tschechische Republik
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birth | about 1604 | Dörnsdorf, Dolina, Měděnec, Tschechische Republik
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marriage | about 1622 | Dörnsdorf, Dolina, Měděnec, Tschechische Republik
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Jacob FEHNL |
Marriage | ??spouse_en_US?? | Children |
about 1622
Dörnsdorf, Dolina, Měděnec, Tschechische Republik |
Mathes WALTER |
1 | Website der Familie Schroth
Author: Karlheinz Schroth
<p></p><p>Familienseite: Website der Familie Schroth</p>Stammbaum: 77995183-1 |
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GEDBAS contains copies of this person (probably submitted by other researchers). This list is based on the UID feature of GEDCOM.
Name | Details | files | Title | ??submitter_en_US?? | Upload date |
Margaretha FEHNL | * 1604 Dörnsdorf, Dolina, Měděnec, Tschechische Republik + 1651 Dörnsdorf, Dolina, Měděnec, Tschechische Republik | 49472 | Familie von Jörg Mehnert | Jörg Mehnert | 2015-11-08 |
Title | Familie von Jörg Mehnert |
Description | stand 08.11.2015 |
Id | 49473 |
Upload date | 2015-11-08 14:09:26.0 |
Submitter |
![]() | | |
??show-persons-in-database_en_US?? |