Elisabeth Marianne KLOSSNER


Type Value Date Place Sources
name Elisabeth Marianne KLOSSNER


Type Date Place Sources
death 24. March 1894
birth 7. March 1854
Diemtigen, Frutigen-Niedersimmental, Bern, Schweiz Find persons in this place
Reference Number
marriage 27. April 1877


Marriage ??spouse_en_US??Children
27. April 1877
Gottfried EYMANN

Notes for this person

Hat eine Tochter.


1 Jöhrmann Web Site
Author: Werner Jöhrmann
  <p>MyHeritage-Stammbaum</p><p>Familienseite: Jöhrmann Web Site</p>Stammbaum: 544016151-1

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Id 29309
Upload date 2022-01-08 16:11:28.0
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email torsten@eymann.net, teymann@web.de


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