Samuel Deck BOOHER
Type | Value | Date | Place | Sources |
name | Samuel Deck BOOHER |
Type | Date | Place | Sources |
death | 30. January 1924 | Santa Clara, Santa Clara, California, United States
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birth | 15. March 1852 | , Webster, Iowa, United States
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marriage |
Jacob BOOHER | Sarah Ann DECK |
Marriage | ??spouse_en_US?? | Children |
Catherine E. PAYNE |
Notes for this person
!SOURCES: 1. Booher, Allen G. sr. MY OFTEN MISPELLED NAME IS BOOHER 2. Booher, Winfield Scott. BOOHER FAMILY HISTORY HORIZONS, (1976) 3. 1860 Webster Co. IA census [see father] 4. 1870 Story Co. IA census [see father] 5. 1880 Story Co. IA census !BIRTH: Sources-2 p. 37 for date and place !MARRIAGE: Source-2 p. 37 for name !DEATH: Sources-2 p. 37 for date and place BURIAL: !ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Source-2 p. 37 Information sent by Estella (Witinger) Booher of Santa Ana CA 1955 !CENSUS: 1880 Source-5 Census Place: Colo, Story, Iowa Source: FHL Film 1254365 National Archives Film T9-0365 Page 305A Saml. D. BOOHER Self 28 IA Occ: Farmer Fa: IN Mo: IN Catharine BOOHER Wife 25 TN Occ: Kpng Hs Fa: TN Mo: TN Lulu BOOHER Dau 4 IA Fa: IA Mo: TN Clarense H. BOOHER Son 2 IA Fa: IA Mo: TN
1 | Barbara Grider Booher Database
Author: Grider, Barbara M.
Publication: Louisville, Kentucky. 2008.
Abbreviation: Barbara Grider Booher Database
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Title | Beecher Beacher Bicher Bucher |
Description | Ancestors in Pennsylvania, USA whose families immigrated from Europe. The authors family surname is Beacher or Beecher but descended from original surname Bücher. |
Id | 43933 |
Upload date | 2018-02-18 13:26:15.0 |
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