Samuel Deck BOOHER


Type Value Date Place Sources
name Samuel Deck BOOHER


Type Date Place Sources
death 30. January 1924
Santa Clara, Santa Clara, California, United States Find persons in this place
birth 15. March 1852
, Webster, Iowa, United States Find persons in this place


Marriage ??spouse_en_US??Children

Catherine E. PAYNE

Notes for this person

!SOURCES: 1. Booher, Allen G. sr. MY OFTEN MISPELLED NAME IS BOOHER 2. Booher, Winfield Scott. BOOHER FAMILY HISTORY HORIZONS, (1976) 3. 1860 Webster Co. IA census [see father] 4. 1870 Story Co. IA census [see father] 5. 1880 Story Co. IA census !BIRTH: Sources-2 p. 37 for date and place !MARRIAGE: Source-2 p. 37 for name !DEATH: Sources-2 p. 37 for date and place BURIAL: !ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Source-2 p. 37 Information sent by Estella (Witinger) Booher of Santa Ana CA 1955 !CENSUS: 1880 Source-5 Census Place: Colo, Story, Iowa Source: FHL Film 1254365 National Archives Film T9-0365 Page 305A Saml. D. BOOHER Self 28 IA Occ: Farmer Fa: IN Mo: IN Catharine BOOHER Wife 25 TN Occ: Kpng Hs Fa: TN Mo: TN Lulu BOOHER Dau 4 IA Fa: IA Mo: TN Clarense H. BOOHER Son 2 IA Fa: IA Mo: TN


1 Barbara Grider Booher Database
Author: Grider, Barbara M.
Publication: Louisville, Kentucky. 2008.
Abbreviation: Barbara Grider Booher Database

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Title Beecher Beacher Bicher Bucher

Ancestors in Pennsylvania, USA whose families immigrated from Europe. The authors family surname is Beacher or Beecher but descended from original surname Bücher.

Id 43933
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