
Show names starting with the letter

First name Family name Details Parents
Alraune + -
Amos Bennett 2nd wife * 1745 -
Ann * + Ripon, Wisconsin -
Anna * 1900 + -
Anna * + -
Anna * + -
Anna Katharina + -
Anneliese -
Bertha * + -
Bertha * Wisconsin + Wisconsin -
Bertha Amalie Auguste * + -
Brechtje (Braga) * 1836 Hannover, Germany + 1917 Illinois -
Cornelius Alexander -
Elizabeth -
Elizabeth "Lizzie" B * 1869 Maryland, Ogle, Illinois, United States + 1953 Byron, Ogle, Illinois, United States - Rechtmayr
Elke -
Ellen -
Else -
Emma * + Wisconsin -
Erna * + -
Famie Elizabeth * 1883 Buck Valley, Union, Fulton, Pennsylvania, USA + 1952 Washington, Maryland, USA -
Frances -
Francis * 1850 Germany -
Frederikke (Fikke) -
Frieda + -
Gisela Charlotte * 1931 Deutschland + -
Heinrich Friedrich * 1911 Niederschoenhagen, bei Detmold, Germany + 1945 Wangerooge, Germany Schnittger - Strätner
Helene * + -
Herman * 1827 Lippe, Germany + 1913 -
Hilde + -
Hildegard + -
Ingrid + -
Johanne Friederike Justine -
Johannes Friedrich Meyer -
Julie G + 1975 -
Laura * + 1962 -
Laura May * 1880 Illinois, USA + 1970 Orange, Orange, California, USA -
Lisa + 1975 -
Louisa -
Louise * -
Luisa + -
Margarethe * 1925 + Mühlenhof - Erdmeier
Maria -
Minne -
Minnie E. -
ohne Namen + -
Pearl -
Trientje Katherine * 1836 Rorichum, Moormerland, Leer, Niedersachsen, Germany + 1917 Maryland Township, Ogle, Illinois, United States -
Unbekannt * 1771 + 1771 Schweinemeister Or Moellenhof - Wesemann
Unbekannt + -
Unbekannt * Celle -
Augusta Karolina ? * 1824 Malmö + 1905 -
Lisbeth ? * 1910 + 2003 -
Maria Rosina ? * 1773 Fröbersgrün, Deutschland + 1861 Fröbersgrün, Deutschland -
Elizabeth A. ?? Elizabeth?? * 1826 Gomersol, Yorkshire, England + 1911 Sussex, Waukesha, Wisconsin, USA Craven - Craven
Anna Maria Elisabeth Wilhelmina "Schulten am Tore" Kloke * 1821 OBERMARSBERG (MARSBERG), D 34431, Rhénanie-Westphalie / Rheinland-Westfalen, (ALLEMAGNE) + 1890 OBERMARSBERG (MARSBERG), D 34431, Rhénanie-Westphalie / Rheinland-Westfalen, (ALLEMAGNE) Kloke - Fobbe
Mary (Donahue) Schnelker * 1883 + 1869 -
Jürgen Kuckuck (Hagedorn) * 1681 <Brakelsiei, Lippe-Detmold, Germany> Kuckuck - Hagedorn
Daniel (Janse) (Janse) Stomp * 1692 Utrecht (UT) + 1777 Rotterdam, Overschie (ZH) (Willemsz) Stomp - ) Pieters van Hoorn (alias Bosko)
Johannes (Jansz) (Jansz) Stomp * 1688 Utrecht (UT) + Utrecht (Willemsz) Stomp - ) Pieters van Hoorn (alias Bosko)
Jan Willemsz (Willemsz) Stomp * Utrecht + 1705 Utrecht Stomp -
Margrieta Pieters Margrita ) Pieters van Hoorn (alias Bosko) + 1732 Utrecht -
1. Ehe Maria Katharina. 2. Ehe Maria Carolina 1. Ehe Dreker, Tochter aus 3. Ehe, 2. Ehe Held * 1811 Hampenhausen, Warburg, Deutschland + 1841 Hampenhausen, Warburg, Deutschland Dreker -
1. Ehe Grete, 2. Ehe Margarethe 1. Ehe Hartmann, 2. Ehe Rehbein * Herford, Warburg + Borgentreich -
1. Ehe Maria Katharina.Elisabeth, 2. Ehe Eva Katharina 1. Ehe Westermann, 2. Ehe Suerland * 1763 Gehrden, Westfalen, Germany + 1801 Hampenhausen (heute 33034 Brakel) Suerland gen. Suren - Mikus
Dena Abas * 1907 + 1965 -
Ann Abbott * 1817 Drimoleague, County Cork, Ireland + 1910 Stanberry, Gentry, Missouri, 64489, USA Abbott - Dora
Ann Abbott * 1644 -
Ann 1839 Abbott * 1839 Chateauguay, Quebec, Canada Abbott - Matthews
Ann 1856 Abbott * 1856 Bridport, Dorset, England Abbott - M'Gee
Anna Abbott * 1817 Drimoleague, Couty Cork. Ireland + 1910 Stanberry, Gentry, Missouri, .64489, U.S.A. Abbott - Dora
Captian Charles Abbott * 1734 County Cork, Ireland + 1793 Kent, England Abbott - Abbott
Charles Abbott * 1642 Cork, Cork, Ireland + Cork, Cork, Ireland -
Charles 1797 Frederick Abbott * 1797 Clonakilty, County Cork, Ireland + 1878 Howick, Chateauguay County, Québec Province, Canada Abbott - Dora
Charles 1818 H. (Hingston?) Abbott * 1818 Abbott - Dora
Charles 1838 Abbott * 1838 Russeltown, Quebec, Canada Abbott - McGill
Charles Fedrick Abbott * 1757 + 1811 Abbott - Kingston
Dorah Abbott * 1830 + 1872 Lapeer, Lapeer, Michigan, United States -
Dorothy Rose Abbott * 1842 St.Chrysostome, Chateauguay Co., Quebec, Canada Abbott - McGill
Edward 1800 Abbott * 1800 Ireland + childhood Abbott - Dora
Elizabeth 1803 Abbott * 1803 Clonakilty, County Cork, Munster Province, Ireland, United Kingdom Abbott - Dora
Elizabeth 1813 'Bess' J or M Abbott * 1813 Lancashire + 1877 Feneton Falls, Victoria Co, Ontaria. Canada Abbott - Dora
Elizabeth 1847 Abbott * 1847 Ormstown (Townships) Ormstown - Huntingdon - Hinchinbrooke, Québec + 1849 Abbott - McGill
Elizabeth J. (Bess) Abbott * 1813 County Cork, Ireland + 1877 Fenlon Falls, Ontario, Canada Abbott - Dora
James 1800 David Abbott * 1800 Ireland + childhood Abbott - Dora
James 1869 Abbott * 1869 Allington, Dorset, England Abbott - M'Gee
James David Abbott * 1824 Montréal, Quebec, Canada + 1825 Montréal, L'Île-de-Montréal, Québec Province, Canada Abbott - Dora
Jane Abbott * 1856 Allington, Dorset, England Abbott - M'Gee
John Abbott * 1773 County Cork, Ireland + 1860 Châteauguay, Roussillon Regional County Municipality, Quebec, Canada -
John 1775 Allan Abbott * 1773 Clonakilty, County Cork, Ireland + 1860 Châteauguay, 1654538, Quebec, Canada Abbott - Kingston
John 1800 Abbott * 1800 Ireland Abbott - Dora
John William Abbott * 1821 Cork, Cork, Ireland + 1883 Burnside, Lapeer, Michigan, USA Abbott - Dora
John William Abbott * 1815 Cork, Cork, Ireland + 1883 Burnside, Lapeer, Michigan Abbott - Dora
Joseph 1811 Allen Abbott * 1811 Brandew, County Cork, Ireland + 1902 Ormstown, Le Haut-St-Laurent, Québec Province, Canada Abbott - Dora
Lucrelia Abbott * 1800 Ireland + childhood Abbott - Dora


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