
Art Wert Datum Ort Quellenangaben
Name Arnoul DE FLANDRE [1]
title Arnoul II “le Jeune” Count of Flanders [2]


Art Datum Ort Quellenangaben
Geburt zu einem Zeitpunkt zwischen 961 und 962 [3]
Bestattung Gent nach diesem Ort suchen [4]
Tod 30. März 987 [5]
Ascension 964 [6]

Ehepartner und Kinder

Heirat Ehepartner Kinder

Rozala D'IVREA

Notizen zu dieser Person

Medieval Lands by Charles Cawley, Foundation for Medieval Genealogy ARNOUL de Flandre, son of BAUDOUIN III Joint Count of Flanders & hiswife Mathilde [Billung] of Saxony ([961/62]-30 Mar 987, bur Gent).The Annales Elnonenses Minores record that "Arnulfus, filius Balduiniex Matilde"[165] succeeded his grandfather in 964 as ARNOUL II “leJeune” Count of Flanders, under the guardianship of his father's firstcousin Baudouin Baldzo [de Boulogne] who made himself Comte deCourtrai. Taking advantage of the weakness of the county during CountArnoul's minority, [his uncle] Dirk II Count of [Holland] capturedGent and Waas, and Lothaire King of the West Franks occupied thesouth-east of the county, ostensibly in the role of protector of theyoung count[166]. To counter the perceived threat from France,Emperor Otto II established marches on the right bank of the riverSchelde, from Valenciennes in the south to Antwerp in the north[167]."Godefridi comitis, Ingelberti advocati, Arnulfi junioris marchysi…"signed the charter dated 11 Apr 969 under which "Theodericus comes"donated "sui iuris possessionem…Frilingim in pago Flandrensi" toSaint-Pierre de Gand[168]. "Arnulfus…marchysus" confirmed thepossession of "Harnas…in pago Seirbiu" to Saint-Pierre de Gand bycharter dated 31 Jan 972, signed by "Theoderici comitis…ArnulfiBononiensis comitis, Engelberti advocati…"[169]. "Arnulfi…juniorismarchysi, Herimanni comitis filiis Godefridi comitis, Wiggeri,Ingelberti advocati…" signed the charter dated [21 Jan] 974 underwhich "Godefridus comes et uxor sua Mathildis" donated "regium fiscumHolinium…in pago Tornacensi…et…Ramelgeis ecclesia…" to Saint-Pierre deGand[170]. "Arnulfo juniore marchyso…" signed the charter dated 2 Oct974 under which "Theodericus comes et uxor sua Hildegardis" donated"in villa Haleftra in pago Mempesco sita" to Saint-Pierre deGand[171]. Arnoul's majority was declared in 976. The AnnalesBlandinienses record the death in 989 of "Arnulfus marchysus, neposmagni Arnulfii"[172]. m ([968][173]) as her first husband, ROZALA [Suzanne] di Ivrea,daughter of BERENGARIO II ex-King of Italy [Ivrea] & his wife Willa ofTuscany-Arles ([950/960]-13 Dec 1003 or 7 Feb 1004, bur Gent, StPieter). Regino records that two of the daughters (unnamed) ofex-King Berengario were brought up in the imperial palace by theempress after being brought to Germany[174]. One of these twodaughters was presumably Rozala, bearing in mind that the emperorarranged her marriage. The Genealogica Comitum Flandriæ Bertiniananames "filiam Berengeri regis Langobardorum, Ruzelam quæ et Susanna"as wife of Comte Arnoul[175]. The Annales Elnonenses Minores recordthe marriage [undated between 950 and 968] of "Arnulfus iunior" and"filiam Beregeri regis Susannam"[176]. Her marriage was presumablyarranged by Emperor Otto to increase his influence in Flanders at atime when Lothaire IV King of the West Franks was asserting his owncontrol over the county. According to Nicholas, Count Arnoul IImarried Rozala di Ivrea when he reached the age of majority in976[177], but the source on which this is based has not beenidentified. "Baldwinus marchysus cum matre sua Susanna" donated"villam Aflingehem…jacentem in pago Tornacinse" to Saint-Pierre deGand, after the death of "Arnulfi marchysi", by charter dated 1 Apr988, signed by "…Waldberto advocato, Theoderico comite, Arnulfocomite, Artoldo comite, Baldwino comite, item Arnulfo comite…"[178].She married secondly (988 before 1 Apr[179], repudiated [991/92]) ashis first wife, Robert Associate-King of France, who succeeded hisfather in 996 as Robert II King of France. The Vita Sancti Bertulfinames "Rozala filia…Berengarii Regis Italiæ", specifying that "postmortem Arnulfi [Balduini filius] principis, Roberto Regi Francorumnupsit et Susanna dicta"[180]. Kerrebrouck, presumably basing hissupposition on this passage from the Vita Sancti Bertulfi, says thatshe adopted the name Suzanne on her second marriage[181], but thesources quoted above show that she was referred to by this nameearlier. Hugues "Capet" King of France arranged her second marriageto his son and heir, apparently as a reward for Flemish help when heseized power in 987[182]. She was given Montreuil-sur-Mer by thecounty of Flanders as her dowry on her second marriage. Richerrecords that King Robert repudiated his wife "Susannam…genere Italicameo quod anus esset" but refused to allow her to retake her castle atMontreuil, whereupon she constructed another nearby[183]. Shereturned to Flanders after she was repudiated by her second husband,and became one of the principal advisers of her son Count Baldwin IV.France retained Montreuil-sur-Mer. "Susanna regina cum filio suoBaldwino" donated "alodem suum…Atingehem…et in Testereph" toSaint-Pierre de Gand, for the soul of "filie sue Mathildis", bycharter dated 26 Jun 995[184]. "Susanna regina…cum filio suoBaldwino" donated "alodem suum…in pago Flandrensi…in Holtawa…inFresnere…in Clemeskirca…in Jatbeka…in Sclefteta…" to Saint-Pierre deGand by charter dated 1 Jun 1003[185]. The Annales Elnonenses Minoresrecords the death in 1003 of "Susanna regina"[186]. The Memorial of"regina Susanna" records her death "VII Feb"[187]. Count Arnoul II & his wife had two children: 1. MATHILDE de Flandre (-24 Jul, 995 or before). "Susannaregina cum filio suo Baldwino" donated "alodem suum…Atingehem…et inTestereph" to Saint-Pierre de Gand, for the soul of "filie sueMathildis", by charter dated 26 Jun 995[188]. It is not known whetherMathilde was older or younger than her brother Baudouin but theestimated birth date range of their mother suggests that Baudouin mayhave been her younger child. The Memorial of "Mathildis filia…Arnulfiviri" records her death "IX Kal Aug"[189]. 2. BAUDOUIN de Flandre ([980]-30 May 1035). The GenealogicaComitum Flandriæ Bertiniana names "Balduinum Barbatum" as son of"Arnulfus…et…Ruzelam quæ et Susanna"[190]. He succeeded his father in987 as BAUDOUIN IV "le Barbu/Pulchrae Barbae" Count of Flanders,presumably under a regency considering his youth although the name ofthe regent has not yet been identified. Hugues Capet King of Francerecognised Baudouin's claim to all of Flanders, including the partpreviously taken by King Lothaire, and also arranged Baudouin´smother's second marriage to the king´s son and heir, apparently as areward for Flemish help when he seized power in 987[191]. "Baldwinusmarchysus cum matre sua Susanna" donated "villam Aflingehem…jacentemin pago Tornacinse" to Saint-Pierre de Gand, after the death of"Arnulfi marchysi", by charter dated 1 Apr 988, signed by "…Waldbertoadvocato, Theoderico comite, Arnulfo comite, Artoldo comite, Baldwinocomite, item Arnulfo comite…"[192]. After Count Baudouin's motherreturned to Flanders following her repudiation, France retainedMontreuil-sur-Mer, which provoked Flanders into joining a rebellionagainst King Hugues. The result was the return of Artois andOstrevant to Flanders, although Ponthieu remained with France[193].Count Baudouin established control over the northern part of theTernois, including Thérouanne, Fauquembergues and Saint-Omer, whichwere previously under the suzerainty of the county of Boulogne[194]."Susanna regina…cum filio suo Baldwino" donated "alodem suum…in pagoFlandrensi…in Holtawa…in Fresnere…in Clemeskirca…in Jatbeka…inSclefteta…" to Saint-Pierre de Gand by charter dated 1 Jun 1003[195].Baudouin captured the march of Valenciennes from Germany in 1006, butlost it in the following year when King Heinrich II invaded Flandersand captured Gent. Count Baudouin subsequently arranged an alliancewith the German king who, in 1012, helped him install a new bishop ofCambrai, and enfeoffed him with the islands of Zeeland and, in 1015,with Valenciennes. Emperor Heinrich II, however, invaded Flandersagain in 1020, supported this time by Robert King of France[196].Count Baudouin arranged the betrothal of his son to the French king'sdaughter to help restore good relations[197]. His son rebelledagainst Baudouin after 1028. Count Baudouin was forced to take refugein Normandy, where he married the duke's daughter and from where hereturned to Flanders with reinforcements. His son submitted, but hisfather permitted him to rule jointly[198]. The Annales Blandiniensesrecord the death in 1035 of "Balduinus, gloriosus marchisus"[199].The Annales Elnonenses Minores record the death in 1035 of "Balduinuscomes filius Susannæ"[200]. m firstly ([1012]) OGIVE de Luxembourg,daughter of FRIEDRICH Graf im Moselgau Vogt von Stablo [Wigeriche] &his wife --- heiress of Gleiberg [Konradiner] (-21 Feb or 9 Mar 1030,bur Gent St Peter). The Genealogica Comitum Flandriæ Bertiniana names"filiam Gisleberti comitis Odgivam" as wife of "BalduinumBarbatum"[201], the marriage presumably being arranged by EmperorHeinrich II as part of the alliance negotiated in 1012. Ogive isshown as daughter of Graf Friedrich in Europäische Stammtafeln[202].There is no reference to Friedrich's older brother Gislebert havingmarried and had children. The chronology does not favour Ogive beingthe daughter of Giselbert, son of Friedrich. It is therefore assumedthat the reference to "Gisleberti comitis" is an error, although theprimary source has not yet been identified which confirms thatFriedrich was Ogive's father. The Annales Blandinienses record thedeath in 1030 of "Odgiva comitissa"[203]. The Memorial of"Odgiva…Balduino domino" records her death "IX Mar"[204]. m secondly([after 1030]) [ELEONORE] de Normandie, daughter of RICHARD II Duke ofNormandy & his first wife Judith de Rennes [Brittany]. TheGenealogica Comitum Flandriæ Bertiniana refers to "filiam secundiRicardi ducis Normannorum" as wife of "Balduinum Barbatum" after thedeath of Ogive[205]. The Annalista Saxo states that the mother ofJudith was "cognatione beati Ethmundi regis", without naming her orgiving a more precise origin[206]. Guillaume de Jumièges records thatDuke Richard and his wife Judith had three daughters, of whom thesecond (unnamed) married "Baudouin de Flandre"[207]. The primarysource which confirms her name has not yet been identified. CountBaudouin IV & his first wife had one child: a) BAUDOUIN de Flandre ([1012/13]-Lille 1 Sep 1067, bur LilleSt Pierre). The Genealogica Comitum Flandriæ Bertiniana names"Balduinum Insulanum" son of "Balduinum Barbatum [et] Odgivam"[208].He succeeded his father in 1035 as BAUDOUIN V "le Pieux/Insulanus"Count of Flanders. - see below. Count Baudouin IV & his second wife had one child: b) JUDITH de Flandre ([1033]-[5] Mar 1094, bur St MartinMonastery). The Annalista Saxo names "Iudhita…amita Rodberti comitisde Flandria ex cognatione beati Ethmundi regis" as husband of"Haroldi" (in error for Tostig) but correctly names her second husband"Welphus filius Azzonis marchionis Italorum"[209]. The GenealogiaWelforum names "filiam comitis Flandrie, reginam Anglie, Iuditamnomine" as wife of Welf[210]. Florence of Worcester says that Judithwas "daughter of Baldwin Count of Flanders" but does not specify whichCount Baldwin, nor is this clear from the context[211]. According tothe Vita Ædwardi Regis, Judith was the sister of Count BaudouinV[212]. On the other hand, Alberic de Trois Fontaines asserts thatJudith was one of the children of Baudouin V Count of Flanders and hiswife Adela de France[213], but there are other clear errors inAlberic's listing of this couple's children so the statement should beviewed with caution. Judith is also listed as the daughter of CountBaudouin V (after Mathilde) in a manuscript whose attribution toOrderic Vitalis is disputed, which also shows her first marriage[214].The date of her first marriage is confirmed by the Anglo-SaxonChronicle which records that "earl Godwine" fled after the Council of9 Sep 1051 "with Tostig and his wife who was a kinswoman of Baldwin ofBruges"[215]. Judith moved to Denmark after her first husband waskilled. "Dux Gewelfo eiusque…uxor Iudita" donated property to KlosterWeingarten, with the consent of "filiorum suorum Gwelfonis etHeinrici", dated 12 Mar 1094[216]. The Chronicon of Bernold recordsthe death "1094 IV Non Mar" of "Iuditha uxor ducis Welfonis Baioariæ"and her burial "apud monasterium…Sancti Martini" built by herhusband[217]. The necrology of Raitenbuch records the death "III NonMar" of "Iudinta regina Anglie, filia marchionis de Este uxor Welfonisnostri fundatoris"[218], exaggerating her status resulting from herfirst marriage and confusing her paternity. The necrology ofWeingarten records the death "III Non Mar" of "Judita dux reginaAnglie"[219], also exaggerating her status resulting from her firstmarriage. m firstly (before Sep 1051) TOSTIG Godwinson, son of GODWINEarl of Wessex & his wife Gytha of Denmark ([1025/30]-killed in battleStamford Bridge 25 Sep 1066). He was created Earl of Northumbria in1055[220]. m secondly ([1071]) as his second wife, WELF I Duke ofBavaria [Este], son of ALBERTO AZZO II Marchese d'Este & his firstwife Kunigunde von Altdorf [Este] ([1030/40]-Paphos Cyprus 9 Nov 1101,bur Cyprus, removed to Weingarten, near Lake Constance). [165] Annales Elnonenses Minores 964, MGH SS V, p. 19. [166] Nicholas (1992), p. 43. [167] Nicholas (1992), p. 44. [168] Liber traditionum sancti Petri Blandiniensis, 77, p. 80. [169] Gand Saint-Pierre 45, p. 44. [170] Liber traditionum sancti Petri Blandiniensis, 86, p. 85. [171] Liber traditionum sancti Petri Blandiniensis, 87, p. 86. [172] Annales Blandinienses 989, MGH SS V, p. 25. [173] ES II 5, and Rösch (1977), p. 167. [174] Reginonis Chronicon 965, MGH SS I, p. 627. [175] Genealogica Comitum Flandriæ Bertiniana MGH SS IX, p. 306. [176] Annales Elnonenses Minores [950-968], MGH SS V, p. 19. [177] Nicholas (1992), p. 44. [178] Liber traditionum sancti Petri Blandiniensis, 96, p. 92. [179] Date of a charter in which she is called "regina", cited inVanderkindere, I, p. 295, citing Van Lokeren, Chartes de l'abbaye deSaint-Pierre I, no. 64. [180] Vita Sancti Bertulfi Abbatis Renticensis, RCGF 10, p. 365. [181] Kerrebrouck (2000), p. 60 footnote 32. [182] Nicholas (1992), p. 45. [183] Guadet, J. (ed.) (1845) Richeri Historiarum (Paris) IV.LXXXVII,p. 270. [184] Liber traditionum sancti Petri Blandiniensis, 102, p. 96. [185] Liber traditionum sancti Petri Blandiniensis, 107, p. 101. [186] Annales Elnonenses Minores 1003, MGH SS V, p. 19. [187] MGH Poetæ Latini medii ævi, V.1, Die Ottonenzeit, Grabschriften,p. 299. [188] Liber traditionum sancti Petri Blandiniensis, 102, p. 96. [189] MGH Poetæ Latini medii ævi, V.1, Die Ottonenzeit, Grabschriften,p. 298. [190] Genealogica Comitum Flandriæ Bertiniana MGH SS IX, p. 306. [191] Nicholas (1992), p. 45. [192] Liber traditionum sancti Petri Blandiniensis, 96, p. 92. [193] Nicholas (1992), p. 46. [194] Murray, A. V. (2000) The Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem: adynastic history 1099-1125 (Prosopographica & Genealogica), p. 28. [195] Liber traditionum sancti Petri Blandiniensis, 107, p. 101. [196] Nicholas (1992), p. 46. [197] Nicholas (1992), p. 46. [198] Nicholas (1992), p. 48. [199] Annales Blandinienses 1035, MGH SS V, p. 26. [200] Annales Elnonenses Minores 1035, MGH SS V, p. 19. [201] Genealogica Comitum Flandriæ Bertiniana MGH SS IX, p. 306. [202] ES I.2 203. [203] Annales Blandinienses 1030, MGH SS V, p. 26. [204] MGH Poetæ Latini medii ævi, V.1, Die Ottonenzeit, Grabschriften,p. 299. [205] Genealogica Comitum Flandriæ Bertiniana, Continuatio Leidensiset Divionensis, MGH SS IX, p. 307, footnote 19 naming her "Alienoram",without specifying the primary source on which this is based. [206] Annalista Saxo 1066. [207] Guizot, M. (ed.) (1826) Histoire des ducs de Normandie, parGuillaume de Jumiège (Paris) (“WJ”) V.13, p. 128. [208] Genealogica Comitum Flandriæ Bertiniana MGH SS IX, p. 306. [209] Annalista Saxo 1066. [210] Genealogia Welforum 9, MGH SS XIII, p. 734. [211] Forester, T. (trans.) (1854) The Chronicles of Florence ofWorcester with two continuations (London) (“Florence of Worcester”),1051, p. 152. [212] Barlow, F. (1992) The Godwins: the Rise and Fall of a NobleDynasty (Longman), p. 38. [213] Chronica Albrici Monachi Trium Fontium, MGH SS XXIII, p. 792. [214] Chibnall, M. (ed. and trans.) The Ecclesiastical History ofOrderic Vitalis (Oxford Medieval texts, 1969-80), Vol. IV, Appendix I,p. 350. [215] Garmonsway, G. N. (trans) (1972) The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle(Dent), D, 1052 [1051]. [216] Wirtembergisches Urkundenbuch, Band IV (Stuttgart, 1883)("Württembergisches Urkundenbuch"), Anhang, Zwei Weingartner Codices,I, p. VIII. [217] Bernoldi Chronicon 1094, MGH SS V, p. 457. [218] Necrologium Raitenbuchense, Freising Necrologies, p. 105. [219] Necrologium Weingartense, Konstanz Necrologies, p. 221. [220] Anglo-Saxon Chronicle E, 1055.


1 Foundation for Medieveal Geneology, Flanders, Counts: Chapter 1: Counts of Flanders 863-1191
Autor: Charles Cawley
Angaben zur Veröffentlichung: Name: Medeival Lands; Location: Oak House, Vowchurch, Hereford, HR20RB, England; Date: 2001-2011;
2 Foundation for Medieveal Geneology, Flanders, Counts: Chapter 1: Counts of Flanders 863-1191
Autor: Charles Cawley
Angaben zur Veröffentlichung: Name: Medeival Lands; Location: Oak House, Vowchurch, Hereford, HR20RB, England; Date: 2001-2011;
3 Foundation for Medieveal Geneology, Flanders, Counts: Chapter 1: Counts of Flanders 863-1191
Autor: Charles Cawley
Angaben zur Veröffentlichung: Name: Medeival Lands; Location: Oak House, Vowchurch, Hereford, HR20RB, England; Date: 2001-2011;
4 Foundation for Medieveal Geneology, Flanders, Counts: Chapter 1: Counts of Flanders 863-1191
Autor: Charles Cawley
Angaben zur Veröffentlichung: Name: Medeival Lands; Location: Oak House, Vowchurch, Hereford, HR20RB, England; Date: 2001-2011;
5 Foundation for Medieveal Geneology, Flanders, Counts: Chapter 1: Counts of Flanders 863-1191
Autor: Charles Cawley
Angaben zur Veröffentlichung: Name: Medeival Lands; Location: Oak House, Vowchurch, Hereford, HR20RB, England; Date: 2001-2011;
6 Foundation for Medieveal Geneology, Flanders, Counts: Chapter 1: Counts of Flanders 863-1191
Autor: Charles Cawley
Angaben zur Veröffentlichung: Name: Medeival Lands; Location: Oak House, Vowchurch, Hereford, HR20RB, England; Date: 2001-2011;


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