
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
Raymond Inscoe * 1894 Upper Penn, Wolverhampton, County of Staffordshire, England Inscoe - Beesley
William Inscoe * 1844 Vauxhall, Wolverhampton, Staffordshire, England + 1922 Upper Penn, Wolverhampton, County of Staffordshire, England Inscoe - Danks
Ada Thrift * 1871 Iver, Buckinghamshire County, England + 1881 Upper Penn, Wolverhampton, County of Staffordshire, England Thrift - Unk
Arthur Thrift * 1880 Bradmore Penn, Wolverhampton, County of Staffordshire, England + 1891 Upper Penn, Wolverhampton, County of Staffordshire, England Thrift - Unk
Edna Thrift * 1899 Upper Penn, Wolverhampton, County of Staffordshire, England Thrift - Unk
Eleanor Thrift * 1890 Upper Penn, Wolverhampton, County of Staffordshire, England Thrift - Unk
Mildred Thrift * 1900 Upper Penn, Wolverhampton, County of Staffordshire, England Thrift - Unk
William Thrift * 1869 Iver, Buckinghamshire County, England + 1901 Upper Penn, Wolverhampton, County of Staffordshire, England Thrift - Unk
Catherine Unk * 1851 Darlaston, County of Staffordshire, England + 1901 Upper Penn, Wolverhampton, County of Staffordshire, England -