
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
John Joseph Blasius * 1886 Manhattan, New York, USA + 1964 Suffolk County, New York, United States of America -
John Joseph Blasius * 1886 Manhattan, New York, USA + 1964 Suffolk County, New York, United States of America -
Joel S. Conklin * 1839 Suffolk County, New York + 1871 Plymouth Pike, Lyon County, Kansas -
William J. jr Daly * 1933 + 1984 Suffolk County, New York, USA -
Charles C Davis * 1705 + 1735 Suffolk County, New York, USA -
Anna Geheeb * 1909 Karbach + 1991 Suffolk County, New York, USA Geheeb - Welti
Mark Millard Kelley * 1882 Crescent Mills, Plumas, California, USA + 1977 Suffolk County, New York, USA Kelley - McCall
Andrew Miller * 1645 East Hampton, Suffolk, New York, USA + 1717 Suffolk County, New York, USA -
John F. Nau * 1894 New York + 1966 Suffolk County, New York -
Robert Platts * 1874 Nottingham + 1931 Suffolk County, New York, USA Platts - Keetley
Carl R Reinhard * 1960 + 2020 Suffolk County, New York, United States of America Reinhard -
Paul Edgar Teter * 1894 Ottumwa, Wapello County, Iowa + 1991 Suffolk County, New York Teter - Brunk
Silas White * + 1742 Suffolk County, New York, USA -