
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
Frederick Crook * 1851 Strewsberry, Shropshire County, England + 1892 Sedgley, Staffordshire County, England -
Edwin Harrison * 1843 Sedgley, Staffordshire County, England + 1891 Wolverhampton, County of Staffordshire, England -
Adelaide Inscoe * 1864 Sedgley, Staffordshire County, England + 1901 Wolverhampton, County of Staffordshire, England Inscoe - Unk
James Inscoe * 1857 Sedgley, Staffordshire County, England + 1910 Sedgley, County of Staffordshire, England Inscoe - Unk
John Inscoe * 1869 Sedgley, Staffordshire County, England + 1901 Billingsley, Yorkshire County, England Inscoe - Unk
Joseph Inscoe * 1849 Sedgley, Staffordshire County, England + 1894 Pontefract, Yorkshire County, England Inscoe - Unk
Lot Inscoe * 1863 Sedgley, Staffordshire County, England + 1901 Normanton, County of Yorkshire, England Inscoe - Unk
Mary Inscoe * 1861 Sedgley, Staffordshire County, England + 1871 Sedgley, Staffordshire County, England Inscoe - Unk
William Inscoe * 1855 Sedgley, Staffordshire County, England + 1900 Methly, County of Yorkshire, England Inscoe - Unk
Isaac Victor J. Roper * 1892 Sedgley, Staffordshire County, England Roper - Unk
Issac Roper * 1861 Sedgley, Staffordshire County, England + 1901 Sedgley, Staffordshire County, England -
Frances Smith * 1862 Belson, Staffordshire County, England + 1891 Sedgley, Staffordshire County, England -
Emma Unk * 1861 Sedgley, Staffordshire County, England + 1901 Sedgley, Staffordshire County, England -