
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
Conrad Hugo Schulze * 1950 New Braunfels, Comal, Texas + 1996 Comal County, Texas Schulze - Altgelt
Leroy Martin Tschoepe * 1930 Schumannsville, Guadalupe County, Texas, United States of America + 2006 Texas Tschoepe - Friesenhahn
Otto William Tschoepe * 1879 Schumannsville, Guadalupe County, Texas, United States of America + 1967 Lake City, Wabasha County, Minnesota, United States of America Tschoepe - Kramer
Arthur Herman Zipp * 1896 Schumannsville, Guadalupe County, Texas, United States of America + 1977 New Braunfels, Comal, Texas -