
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
Regina Bajusz * 1866 Chakovar, , , Ungarn + 1957 Port Edwards, Wood County, Wisconsin, USA -
James Irving Cheatle * 1870 Glenbeulah, Sheboygan County, Wisconsin + 1956 Port Edwards, Wood County, Wisconsin Cheatle - Gross
George F. Keip * 1906 Town of Hanson, Wood Co, Wisconsin + 1981 Portage, Wisconsin Keip - Maske
Harold Albert Kuhn * 1894 Port Edwards, Wood County, Wisconsin, United States of America + 1994 Wisconsin Rapids, Wood County, Wisconsin, United States of America Kuhn - Gahl
Augusta Marth * 1870 Pomerania + 1939 Port Edwards, Wood County, Wisconsin, USA Marth - Guetz
Kelley Mae Sheets * 1940 Wisconsin Rapids, Wood County, Wisconsin, USA + 2014 Port Edwards, Wood County, Wisconsin, USA -
Reimer Carl Claudius Vehrs * 1857 Tiebensee, Dithmarschen, Schleswig-Holstein, Deutschland + 1922 Port Edwards, Wood County, Wisconsin, USA Fehrs - Peters
Perle Isabell Williams * 1897 Otsego, Columbia County, Wisconsin, USA + 1976 Port Edwards, Wood County, Wisconsin, USA Williams - Cornell
Carlina Caroline Wittenberg * 1879 Germany + 1913 Port Edwards, Wood County, Wisconsin, USA Wittenberg - Schultz