
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
John Chivers * 1822 Beckington, Frome District, Somersetshire County, England + 1907 Hudson, Michigan in his home on E. Wood Road. Chivers - Beaver
Homer R Harper * 1898 Norvell, Jackson, Michigan, United States + 1987 Hudson, Michigan, USA. -
James Kelley * 1821 Romulus, Seneca County, New York + 1901 Hudson, Michigan, at the home of Emery Kelley Kelley - McDuffee
Louisa Maples * 1833 Penfield, Monroe County, New York + 1898 Hudson, Michigan, at the home of son Emery Kelley located on Division Street Maples - Dunes
Sarah Ann Maples * 1835 Pittsford Township, Hillsdale County, Michigan + 1915 Hudson, Michigan at her home on Lane Street Maples - Dunes
Clayton Leroy Miller * 1944 Hudson, Michigan, USA + 2011 Deshler, Henry, Ohio, USA -
Frank Nichols * 1863 Hudson, Michigan -
Abram Stocker * 1822 Seneca County, New York + 1888 Hudson, Michigan Stocker - Unk
Mary Watts * 1845 Weobley, County of Herefordshire, England + 1898 Hudson, Michigan at home Watts - Sleeman