
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
William Atwood Cutler * 1828 Holland, Erie, New York, United States + 1905 -
Katharine Finkbeiner * 1868 Germany + 1942 Holland, Erie, New York, United States -
Katharine Finkbeiner * 1868 Germany + 1942 Holland, Erie, New York, United States -
Anna Sophia Dorothea Schröder * 1814 Mecklenburg-Schwerin + 1882 Holland, Erie, New York, United States Schröder -
Albert Stephan * 1895 Wales, New York + 1988 Holland, Erie, New York, United States Stephan - Finkbeiner
Albert Stephan * 1895 Wales, New York + 1988 Holland, Erie, New York, United States Stephan - Finkbeiner
Harold Anthony Stephan * 1905 Holland, Erie, New York, United States + 1980 Delevan, Cattaraugus, New York, United States of America Stephan - Finkbeiner
Harold Anthony Stephan * 1905 Holland, Erie, New York, United States + 1980 Delevan, Cattaraugus, New York, United States of America Stephan - Finkbeiner