
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
Lester W. R. Dresch * 1913 Highland, Madison, Illinois, United States + 1997 Wooster, Wayne, Ohio, United States -
Edward Harpstrite * 1870 Trenton, Clinton, Illinois, United States + 1953 Highland, Madison, Illinois, United States -
Marie Sophie Caroline Kohlmeyer * 1824 Minden Stadt, Westphalen, Preussen, Deutschland + 1906 Highland, Madison, Illinois, United States Kohlmeier - Nagel
Marie Sophie Caroline Kohlmeyer * 1824 Minden Stadt, Westphalen, Preussen, Deutschland + 1906 Highland, Madison, Illinois, United States Kohlmeier - Nagel
Henrich Lutkewitte * 1836 + Highland, Madison, Illinois, United States Lutkewitte - Ottensmeier
Henrich Lutkewitte * 1836 + Highland, Madison, Illinois, United States Lutkewitte - Ottensmeier
Clarence Cecil Madrey * 1904 Alton, Madison, Illinois + 1980 Highland, Madison, Illinois, United States -
Emil Müller * 1869 Highland, Madison, Illinois, United States Müller - Schlicht
Emilia Carolina Müller * 1878 Highland, Madison, Illinois, United States + 1882 Highland, Madison, Illinois, United States Müller - Schlicht
Johann Müller * 1836 Amsoldingen Verwaltungskreis Thun, Bern, Switzerland + 1898 Highland, Madison, Illinois, United States Müller - Roll
Karoline Müller * 1875 Highland, Madison, Illinois, United States + 1875 Highland, Madison, Illinois, United States Müller - Schlicht
Luisa Müller * 1867 Highland, Madison, Illinois, United States + 1923 St. Louis, St. Louis, Missouri, United States Müller - Schlicht
Maria Anna Müller * 1824 Raefis, Saint Gallen, Switzerland + 1899 Highland, Madison, Illinois, United States Müller - Roll
Otto Müller * 1873 Highland, Madison, Illinois, United States + 1890 Highland, Madison, Illinois, United States Müller - Schlicht
Richard Müller * 1882 Highland, Madison, Illinois, United States + 1913 St. Louis, Missouri, United States Müller - Schlicht
Hermann Pattberg * 1846 Bottrop, Bottrop, North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany + 1918 Highland, Madison, Illinois, United States -
Hermann William Pattberg * 1879 Borbecke, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany + 1953 Highland, Madison, Illinois, United States Pattberg - Schmidt
Christina Mary Pattberg-Kast * 1875 Bottrop, Westfalen, Preußen, Deutschland + 1934 Highland, Madison, Illinois, United States Pattberg - Schmidt
Maria Roll * 1807 Uetendorf, Verwaltungskreis Thun, Bern, Switzerland + 1879 Highland, Madison, Illinois, United States -
Erna Caroline Sprehe * 1918 Hoffman, Clinton, Illinois, United States + 2000 Highland, Madison, Illinois, United States Sprehe - Lueking
Ira I Thiems * 1909 Old Ripley, Bond, Illinois, United States + 1987 Highland, Madison, Illinois, United States of America Thiems - Collman
Ira I Thiems * 1909 Old Ripley, Bond, Illinois, United States + 1987 Highland, Madison, Illinois, United States of America Thiems - Collman
William Jacob Thiems * 1879 Wiesens, Aurich, Niedersachsen, Germany + 1969 Highland, Madison, Illinois, United States of America -
William Jacob Thiems * 1879 Wiesens, Aurich, Niedersachsen, Germany + 1969 Highland, Madison, Illinois, United States of America -