
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
Ernest Charles Appel * 1887 Hamburg, Federal Republic of Germany + 1960 Wisconsin Rapids, Wood, Wisconsin, USA Appel - Kaiser
Margit Auguste Gampell * 1912 Hamburg, Federal Republic of Germany + 2003 Hirsch-Müller - Löwenthal
Friedrich Karl Hingst * 1925 Hamburg, Federal Republic of Germany + 2003 Hingst - Brandt
Karla Marie Anna Wilhelmine Krüger * 1912 Hamburg, Federal Republic of Germany + 1998 Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, United States of America Frick - Fischer
Inge Judith Kugelman * 1921 Hamburg, Federal Republic of Germany + 1995 Kugelmann - Marcus
Annemarie Lösekann * 1918 Hamburg, Federal Republic of Germany + 1989 DeSoto County, Florida, United States of America Lösekann - Knaack
Hertha Henriette Löwenthal * 1889 Hamburg, Federal Republic of Germany + 1965 Löwenthal - Nathansen
Irmgard F Menke * 1921 Hamburg, Federal Republic of Germany + 1997 Menke - Bartels
Annemarie Porter * 1918 Hamburg, Federal Republic of Germany + 1989 DeSoto County, Florida, United States of America Lösekann - Knaack