
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
Karl Frederick Theodore Kohn * 1856 Frankfurt, on the Oder, Brandenburg, Germany + 1948 Necedah, Juneau, Wisconsin -
Karl Frederick Theodore Kohn * 1856 Frankfurt, on the Oder, Brandenburg, Germany + 1948 Necedah, Juneau, Wisconsin -
Karl Frederick Theodore Kohn * 1856 Frankfurt, on the Oder, Brandenburg, Germany + 1948 Necedah, Juneau, Wisconsin -
Karl Frederick Theodore Kohn * 1856 Frankfurt, on the Oder, Brandenburg, Germany + 1948 Necedah, Juneau, Wisconsin Kohn - Koernicke
Karl Frederick Theodore Kohn * 1856 Frankfurt, on the Oder, Brandenburg, Germany + 1948 Necedah, Juneau, Wisconsin Kohn - Koernicke