
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
Kenneth MacAlpin * 810 Iona + 858 Forteviot, Perthshire, Schottland Echdach -
Kenneth MacAlpin * 812 Iona, Argyll, Scotland + 862 Forteviot, Perthshire, Scotland MacEochaid -
Kenneth (I) MacAlpin * 810 Isle of Iona, Schotland, GBR + 858 Forteviot, Perthshire van Mac - Echdach -
Kenneth I Macalpin * 810 Scotland + 858 Forteviot,Perthshire,Scotland Alpin -
Kenneth I KngScots MacAlpin * 810 IsleIona/Argyllshire + 859 Forteviot/Perthshire Alpin of Kintyre -
Kenneth I. von Schottland MacAlpin * 810 Schottland + 859 Forteviot, Perthshire, Schottland von Dalriada -
Kenneth MacAlpine * 810 + 857 Forteviot, Perthshire, Schottland Kyntire -
Queen of The Isles MacDonald * 812 Scotland + Forteviot, Perthshire, Scotland -
Kenneth I. MacAlpin of Scotland * 810 + 859 Forteviot, Perthshire MacEochaid -
Kenneth I "the Hardy" MacAlpin (King) of Scots * 810 Isle of Iona, Argyllshire, Scotland + 858 Forteviot, Perthshire, Scotland Dalriada -
Kenneth I der Eroberer von Schottland * 810 Iona, Argyllshire + 858 Forteviot, Perthshire von Schottland -
Kenneth I. von Schottland * 810 + 858 Forteviot, Perthshire von Kintyre -
Kenneth I. von Schottland * + Forteviot, Perthshire von Kintyre -
Kenneth I. MacAlpin von Schottland * 810 + 859 Forteviot von Kintyre -