
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
Agnes Mae Newton * 1919 Deshler, Wood, Ohio USA + 1971 Deshler, OH. Chirch of Immaculate Conception. Newton - Giliam
Agnes Mae Newton * 1919 Deshler, Wood, Ohio USA + 1971 Deshler, OH. Chirch of Immaculate Conception. Newton - Giliam
Agnes Mae Newton * 1919 Deshler, Wood, Ohio USA + 1971 Deshler, OH. Chirch of Immaculate Conception. Newton - Giliam
Agnes Mae Newton * 1919 Deshler, Wood, Ohio USA + 1971 Deshler, OH. Chirch of Immaculate Conception. Newton - Giliam
Agnes Mae Newton * 1919 Deshler, Wood, Ohio USA + 1971 Deshler, OH. Chirch of Immaculate Conception. Newton - Giliam
Agnes Mae Newton * 1919 Deshler, Wood, Ohio USA + 1971 Deshler, OH. Chirch of Immaculate Conception. Newton - Giliam