
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
Sarah Bennett * 1765 + 1797 Cumberland County, New Jersey, United States of America Bennett - Bereman
Sarah Bereman * 1738 Cumberland County, New Jersey, United States of America + 1798 Stow Creek Landing, Cumberland County, New Jersey, United States of America Bereman - Biles
Thomas Bereman * 1694 Cumberland County, New Jersey, United States of America + 1749 Fairton, Cumberland County, New Jersey, USA Beriman -
Martha Biles * 1700 Salem, Salem County, New Jersey, United States of America + 1759 Cumberland County, New Jersey, United States of America Biles -
Matilda Schelder * 1894 Cumberland County, New Jersey, United States of America + 1983 Bridgeton, Cumberland County, New Jersey, United States of America Schelder - Pensa
David Westcott * 1787 Cumberland County, New Jersey, United States of America + 1860 Cumberland County, New Jersey, United States of America Westcott - Bennett