
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
Louise Boehnke * 1830 + 1913 Meeker County, Minnesota, United States of America -
Bertha Dore or Dorow * 1860 Germany + 1937 Meeker County, Minnesota, United States of America -
Bertha Dore or Dorow * 1860 Germany + 1937 Meeker County, Minnesota, United States of America -
Bertha Louise Kaliebe * 1869 + 1943 Hutchinson, McLeod, Minnesota, USA Kaliebe - Boehnke
David Heinrich Kaliebe * 1821 Rottnow/Greifenberg in Pommern + 1900 Cedar Mills, Meeker County, Minnesota, United States of America Calliebe - Jüdes