
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
Robert Duane Allen * 1947 Carrollton, Greene County, Illinois, United States of America + 2000 Alton, Madison County, Illinois, United States of America Allen - Allen
John O'Brien Carmody * 1835 Moveen West, Parish Moyarta, Co. Clare, Ireland + 1890 Carrollton, Greene County, Illinois, 62016, USA Carmody - O'brien
Nelle Marie Carmody * 1887 Carrollton, Greene County, Illinois + 1978 Tucson, Pima County, Arizona Carmody - Wall
Thomas L. Carmody * 1861 Carrollton, Greene County, Illinois, United States + 1943 Carrollton, Greene County, Illinois, United States Carmody - Griffin
W.D. Hardcastle + 1886 Fort Worth, Texas, U.S.A. -
Anna Katherine Elizabeth Schnellbecher * 1880 Adams County, Illinois, USA + 1944 Carrollton, Greene County, Illinois, USA Schnellbächer - Speckhardt
Bessie Mabel Taylor * 1892 Litchfield M, Illinois + 1954 -
Emma Wall * 1864 Illinois, United States + 1933 Carrollton, Greene County, Illinois Wall - Droney