
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
Magdalena Erb * 1731 Canton of Bern, Switzerland + 1762 Vincent, Chester, Pennsylvania, United States, Vincent, Chester, PA, United States Erb - Walz
Magdalena Erb * 1721 Canton of Bern, Switzerland + 1762 Vincent, Chester, Pennsylvania, United States, Vincent, Chester, PA, United States -
Magdalena Erb * 1731 Canton of Bern, Switzerland + 1762 Vincent, Chester, Pennsylvania, United States, Vincent, Chester, PA, United States Erb - Walz
Magdalena Erb * 1721 Canton of Bern, Switzerland + 1762 Vincent, Chester, Pennsylvania, United States, Vincent, Chester, PA, United States -
Nicholas (Claus) Erb * 1680 Canton of Bern, Switzerland -
Elisabetha Roth * 1777 Canton of Bern, Switzerland + 1804 Roethenbach, Canton of Bern, Switzerland -
Barbara Spani * 1624 Canton of Bern, Switzerland + 1683 Schwyz, Canton of Schwyz, Switzerland -
Anna Margaretha Stampfil * 1803 Canton of Bern, Switzerland + Roethenbach, Canton of Bern, Switzerland -
Madalena Syfrid * 1607 Canton of Bern, Switzerland + 1649 -
Catharina Unk * 1685 Canton of Bern, Switzerland -
Joannes Wottlig * 1696 Canton of Bern, Switzerland -