
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
Edward Sir "Lord Hastings of Hungerford" Hastings * 1466 Burton Hastings, Warwcs, England + 1506 London, Greater London, England Hastings - Neville
Edward Sir "Lord Hastings of Hungerford" Hastings * 1466 Burton Hastings, Warwcs, England + 1506 London, Greater London, England Hastings - Neville
Edward Sir "Lord Hastings of Hungerford" Hastings * 1466 Burton Hastings, Warwcs, England + 1506 London, Greater London, England Hastings - Neville
Edward Sir "Lord Hastings of Hungerford" Hastings * 1466 Burton Hastings, Warwcs, England + 1506 London, Greater London, England Hastings - Neville
Edward Sir "Lord Hastings of Hungerford" Hastings * 1466 Burton Hastings, Warwcs, England + 1506 London, Greater London, England Hastings - Neville