
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
David Willard Beshgetoor * 1898 Canada + 1988 Broward County, Florida, United States -
Maude Helen French * 1904 Saint John, Hardin County, Kentucky, United States of America + 2002 Broward County, Florida, United States of America -
Casey N. Jones * 1912 Marshall, Calhoun, Michigan, United States + 1989 Broward County, Florida, United States Jones - Neaman
Leone Elizabeth Mott * 1899 Emmett Township, Calhoun, Michigan, United States + 1995 Broward County, Florida, United States Mott - Rachow
Christina Steinhagen * 1946 + 1994 Steinhagen -
Harry James Thompson * 1909 Brooklyn, Kings, New York, United States + 1980 Broward County, Florida, United States -