
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
Timothy James Davis * 1966 Bellaire, Harris, Texas, United States + 2020 Shenandoah, Montgomery, Texas, United States -
Rose Keitel * 1891 Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USA + 1980 Bellaire, Harris, Texas, United States of America Keitel - Severin
Joyce Lippke * 1913 Chicago, Cook, Illinois, USA + 2004 Bellaire, Harris, Texas, United States of America Lippke - Keitel
Francis Xavier Schlöder * 1930 Brooklyn, New York, USA + 1997 Bellaire, Harris, Texas, United States of America, Schlöder - Gallagher
Christine Vivian Talley * 1920 Corpus Christi, Texas + 1999 Bellaire, Harris, Texas, United States of America TALLEY - Green