
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
Bernadine Dina Block * 1899 Germany + 1979 Waterloo, Black Hawk County, Iowa, United States of America Block - Dust
Reemt Engelkes Block * 1867 Wymeer, Landkreis Leer, Lower Saxony (Niedersachsen), Germany + 1942 Allison, Butler County, Iowa, United States of America Blok - Sinning
Berendje Dust * 1865 Veendam, Veendam Municipality, Groningen, Netherlands + 1931 Allison, Butler County, Iowa, United States of America DOst - Romp
Edward Johann John Heyenga * 1887 Germany + 1957 Heyenga - Koop
Joselene Ruth Heyenga * 1922 Clarksville, Butler County, Iowa, United States of America + 2012 Cedar Falls, Black Hawk County, Iowa, United States of America Heyenga - LURSEN
Jennie LURSEN * 1893 Butler Co., IA + 1970 Allison, Butler Co., IA Lursen - BUNTJER
Albert Paul Nassen * 1922 Allison, Butler County, Iowa, United States of America + 2018 Texas Nassen - Schueler
Russell J. Smith * 1916 Iowa + 1990 Rochester, Olmsted County, Minnesota, United States of America Smith - Cagley