
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
Erasmus Carlowitz von * 1535 Kreischa/Dresden + 1586 Kreischa/Dresden Carlowitz von - Kinitzsch von
Erasmus Carlowitz von * 1515 + 1556 Kreischa/Dresden -
George Rudolph Carlowitz von * 1607 Kreischa/Dresden + 1658 Kreischa/Dresden -
George Rudolph Carlowitz von * 1607 Kreischa/Dresden + 1655 Kreischa/Dresden Carlowitz von - Bärenstein von
Johann Georg Carlowitz von * 1692 Kreischa/Dresden + 1773 Steina Carlowitz von - Thümmel von
Melchior Carlowitz von * 1448 + 1498 Kreischa/Dresden Carlowitz von - Hartitzsch von
Mülich Carlowitz von * 1423 + 1472 Kreischa/Dresden Carlowitz von - Taubenheim von
Nikolaus Carlowitz von * 1475 Kreischa/Dresden + 1561 Kreischa/Dresden Carlowitz von - Carlowitz von
Rudolph Wilhelm Carlowitz von * 1575 Karsdorf + 1636 Kreischa/Dresden Carlowitz von - Ende von
Wilhelm Carlowitz von * 1465 Kreischa/Dresden + 1534 Ober-Kreischa Carlowitz von - Holbach von
Ingeborg Elisabeth Carlsen * 1881 Kreis Lötzen + 1956 Soltau -
Ingeborg Elisabeth Carlsen * 1881 Kreis Lötzen + 1956 Soltau -
Paul Clemens Ludwig Martin Carmesin * 1846 Kreis Greifenberg?, Pomerania, Germany + 1847 Gutzlaffshagen (Gosław), Kreis Greifenberg, Pomerania, Germany Carmesin -
Paul Clemens Ludwig Martin Carmesin * 1846 Kreis Greifenberg?, Pomerania, Germany + 1847 Gutzlaffshagen (Gosław), Kreis Greifenberg, Pomerania, Germany Carmesin -
Friedrich (Worker in Suckowshof-1st mention 1816 child's birth) Carnapp or Karnapp * Kreis Greifenberg?, Pomerania, Germany -
Friedrich (Worker in Suckowshof-1st mention 1816 child's birth) Carnapp or Karnapp * Kreis Greifenberg?, Pomerania, Germany -
Georg Friedrich (from ?-workman in Suckowshof-1st mention 1820 child's baptism) Carnapp or Karnapp or Karnopp * Kreis Greifenberg?, Pomerania, Germany -
Georg Friedrich (from ?-workman in Suckowshof-1st mention 1820 child's baptism) Carnapp or Karnapp or Karnopp * Kreis Greifenberg?, Pomerania, Germany -
Johann Friedrich Wilhelm (property owner in Molstow Carolinenhof-1st mention 1812) * 1783 Kreis Greifenberg?, Pomerania, Germany + 1854 Molstow (Molstowo), Kreis Greifenberg, Pomerania, Germany -
Christoph (Schumacher-shoemaker in Robe) Cartheuser * 1813 Kreis Greifenberg?, Pomerania, Germany -
Christoph (Schumacher-shoemaker in Robe) Cartheuser * 1813 Kreis Greifenberg?, Pommern, Preussen -
Maria Louisa Friederica (from ?-death record in 1817 only-servant in Gumminshof) Casten or Kasten * Kreis Greifenberg?, Pomerania, Germany + 1817 Gumminshof (Miroslawice), Kreis Greifenberg, Pomerania, Germany -
Sophia (wife of Martin Klatt in Lewetzow) Casten or Kasten * 1768 Kreis Greifenberg?, Pomerania, Germany + 1827 Lewetzow (Lewice), Kreis Greifenberg, Pomerania, Germany -
Hermann (Farm servant in Streckentin 1875 cattle feeder 1892) * 1849 Kreis Greifenberg?, Pomerania, Germany -
Catharina (death record only-wife of retired farmer Scheer in Behlkow-unsure of husband children) * 1788 Kreis Greifenberg?, Pomerania, Germany + 1857 Behlkow (Bielikowo), Kreis Greifenberg, Pommern, Prussia -
Christian Friedrich (death record only-Gumminshof day laborer-unsure of wife children) * 1765 Kreis Greifenberg?, Pomerania, Germany + 1845 Gumminshof (Miroslawice), Kreis Greifenberg, Pomerania, Germany -
Martin (death record only-retired farmer-unsure of wife children) * 1784 Kreis Greifenberg?, Pomerania, Germany + 1866 Lewetzow (Lewice), Kreis Greifenberg, Pomerania, Germany -
Maria Katharina Christ * 1825 Kreis Altenkirchen, Rheinland-Pfalz, Deutschland Christ - Zoeller
Carolina Emilie Friederica (Wife of Wilhelm Laabs in Suckowshof 1867-daughter of Friedrich Christoph?-married in Triebs) Christoph * Kreis Greifenberg?, Pomerania, Germany -
Carolina Emilie Friederica (Wife of Wilhelm Laabs in Suckowshof 1867-daughter of Friedrich Christoph?-married in Triebs) Christoph * Kreis Greifenberg?, Pomerania, Germany -
Friedrich Wilhelm August (day laborer in Suckowshof-married in Triebs 1844-1st mention 1854 daughter's death) Christoph * Kreis Greifenberg?, Pomerania, Germany -
Friedrich Wilhelm August (day laborer in Suckowshof-married in Triebs 1844-1st mention 1854 daughter's death) Christoph * Kreis Greifenberg?, Pomerania, Germany -
Heinrich CHRISTOPH * 1840 Kreisewitz Kreis Brieg in Niederschlesien -
Helena CHRISTOPH * 1778 Kreis Neisse in Oberschlesien -
Magdalena CHRISTOPH * 1778 Kreis Neisse in Oberschlesien -
Wilhelmina (death record in Suckowshof only) Christoph * 1848 Kreis Greifenberg?, Pomerania, Germany + 1854 Suckowshof (Zukowo), Kreis Greifenberg, Pomerania, Germany Christoph - Wendt
Wilhelmina (death record in Suckowshof only) Christoph * 1848 Kreis Greifenberg?, Pomerania, Germany + 1854 Suckowshof (Zukowo), Kreis Greifenberg, Pomerania, Germany Christoph - Wendt
Wilhelm Otto Ciburski * 1894 Czichen ~ 1894 Schaffarnia + 1932 kreis Kammin Ziburski (Ciburski) - Winter
Gesche Clüver * Kreis Verden, Niedersachsen, Deutschland + 1740 Blender Kreis Verden, Deutschland Clüver - Meyer
Gesche Clüver * Kreis Verden, Niedersachsen, Tyskland + 1740 Blender, Kreis Verden, Niedersachsen, Tyskland Clüver - Meyer
August (from Borntin?-Schmiedmeister-smith in Behlkow 1866-no birth or marriage records) Colberg * Kreis Greifenberg?, Pomerania, Germany -
August (from Borntin?-Schmiedmeister-smith in Behlkow 1866-no birth or marriage records) Colberg * Kreis Greifenberg?, Pomerania, Germany -
Augusta (From ?-wife of Ferdinand Hafemann in Nestau 1888) Colberg * Kreis Greifenberg?, Pommern, Prussia -
Augusta (From ?-wife of Ferdinand Hafemann in Nestau 1888) Colberg * Kreis Greifenberg?, Pommern, Prussia -
Ludwig Johann Christian Friedrich (Laborer in Morgow-Kreis Cammin 1888) Colell * Kreis Cammin?, Pommern, Prussia -
Ludwig Johann Christian Friedrich (Laborer in Morgow-Kreis Cammin 1888) Colell * Kreis Cammin?, Pommern, Prussia -
Friedrich Conrad * Kreis Labiau + Fahrland, Kreis Osthavelland -
Friederica (death record only-widow of day laborer Johann Krause-mother to Molstow day laborer) Conrad or Konrath * 1778 Kreis Greifenberg?, Pomerania, Germany + 1840 Molstow (Molstowo), Kreis Greifenberg, Pomerania, Germany -
Friederica (death record only-widow of day laborer Johann Krause-mother to Molstow day laborer) Conrad or Konrath * 1778 Kreis Greifenberg?, Pomerania, Germany + 1840 Molstow (Molstowo), Kreis Greifenberg, Pomerania, Germany -
Martin (from ?-laborer in Gummin cottager in Lewetzow-married 1857) * 1835 Kreis Greifenberg?, Pomerania, Germany -