Wilhelm, Petereit Family Tree

Wilhelm Family Name is from Marzhausen, Neu-Eichenberg, Werra- Meissner-Kreis, Hessen, Deutschland and the most recent births for my 3rd grandparents in Linden, Hannover, Germany Petereit Family name is from Prussia and ending with my great grandfather in Tauroggen, Lithuania Krompholz Family name if from Salzburg, Österreich and then moved to Lithuania. Wenger, Pfieffenberger, Amaisserin, Neufang Family names are from Bad Hofgastein, Salzburg, Austria and Undberg, Salzburg, Austria and also Dorff, Salzburg, Austria

Zeige Nachnamen mit dem Anfangsbuchstaben

Zeige Nachnamen, die folgendermaßen beginnen

Vorname Familienname Details Eltern
Angelica GÖRGEN (GERGEN) * 1767 + 1835 GÖRGEN (GERGEN) - Schwinn
Elisabeth GÖRGEN (GERGEN) * 1761 + 1814 GÖRGEN (GERGEN) - Schwinn
Johann GÖRGEN (GERGEN) * 1759 + 1760 GÖRGEN (GERGEN) - Schwinn
johann GÖRGEN (GERGEN) * 1770 + 1819 GÖRGEN (GERGEN) - Schwinn
Nikolaus GÖRGEN (GERGEN) * 1764 + 1828 GÖRGEN (GERGEN) - Schwinn
Peter GÖRGEN (GERGEN) * 1731 + 1796 -
Barbara Görgen Gergen * 1756 Roden, Saarlouis + 1835 Roden, Saarlouis GÖRGEN (GERGEN) - Schwinn
Ilse Gorhold * 1913 + -
Gorke Goerke -
Johanna Gorke Goerke + Gorke Goerke -
Matha Ursula Gorm + -
Franz GORNY + -
Dieter Goronzy * 1939 + 2018 Muenster, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany -
Henrietta Gorsush * 1729 Kajadeich, Wuerttemberg, Germany + 1784 Oderquardt, Wuerttemberg, Germany -
Goß + 1939 -
Walter Goß * 1948 wahrsch. Bobzin, Parchim, Mecklenburg Vorpommern, Deutschland + 2016 Deutsch Wusterhausen, Königs Wusterhausen, Brandenburg, Deutschland - Baufeld
Margaretha Gosch * 1791 Haby + 1848 Hütten -
Gosewisch * 1645 Bisperode, Halle, Hzgt. Braunschweig + -
Catharina Margaretha Gosewisch * 1670 Bisperode, Halle, Hzgt. Braunschweig + 1716 Diedersen, Bisperode, Hzgt. Braunschweig Gosewisch -
Engel Goslar * 1820 + -
Gosovius + -
Selma Gosovius + Gosovius -
Martha Goss + -
Caroline Gossmann-Schläper * 1839 Hagen + 1917 Ergste Schläper -
Albertine Amalie Gost + -
Joachim Christian Götsch + -
Johann Friedrich Valentin Götsch * 1784 + Götsch -
Johann Peter Gott * 1733 Kagar + 1807 Zühlen Dieu - Strasser
Friedrich Wilhelm Gottberg * 1845 Angst Und Bang,Westpreussen,Alemania + -
Olga Laura Mathilde Gottberg * 1893 Angst Und Bang,Westpreussen,Alemania + Gottberg - Horn
Christian Gottfried + Wroniawy -
Bertha Gottlied * 1857 + Gottlied -
Carl Ludwig Gottlied + -
Natalie Gottlied + -
Olga Antonia Gottlied * 1870 + Gottlied -
Ottilie Gottlied + Gottlied -
Anna Gottsand * 1903 Gardome, Lithuania + Gottsand - Junkaryte
Dorothea Gottsand + -
Dows Gottsand * 1910 Gardome, Lithuania + 1937 Gottsand - Junkaryte
Emilie Caroline Gottsand * 1844 Zemaiciu Naumiestis, Silute, Lithuania Gottsand (Gottzendt) - Rogal
Emilie Wanda Gottsand * 1911 Gardome, Lithuania + Gottsand - Junkaryte
Gustav Gottsand * 1845 + Gottsand (Gottzendt) - Greinitz (Greinus)
Johann Gottsand * 1933 Gordam + 1934 Gottsand - Kiaupa
Johanna Gottsand * 1857 Kulkischken, Taurage, Lithuania + Mikeln, Taurage, Lithuania -
Johanna Gottsand * Kalkischken, Taurage, Lithuania + Gawainen, Taurage, Lithuania -
Jons Gottsand * 1874 Gardome, Lithuania + Gottsand - Klowike
Jons Gottsand * 1908 Gardome, Lithuania + Gottsand - Junkaryte
Julius Gottsand * 1866 Gardome, Lithuania + 1873 Gardome, Lithuania Gottsand - Klowike
Ludwig Gottsand * 1915 Gardome, Lithuania + Gottsand - Junkaryte
Lydia Gottsand * 1938 + 2001 Stove, Germany Gottsand - Kiaupa
Maria Susanna Gottsand * 1905 Gardome, Lithuania + Gottsand - Junkaryte
Martin Gottsand * 1893 + 1962 Gocentas (Gotzant) - Endrulis
Natalie Martha Gottsand * 1906 Gardome, Lithuania + Gottsand - Junkaryte
Rosalie Gottsand * 1868 + 1873 Gottsand - Klowike
Ruth Natalie Gottsand * 1931 Gardamm, Litauen + 2016 Wismar, Deutschland Gottsand - Kiaupa
August Gottsand (Gottzendt) * 1832 Lasdunenen, Taurage, Lithuania + 1834 Lasdunenen, Taurage, Lithuania Gottsand (Gottzendt) - Greinitz (Greinus)
Carl Gottsand (Gottzendt) * 1830 + Gottsand (Gottzendt) - Greinitz (Greinus)
Daniel Mathas Gottsand (Gottzendt) * 1824 + Gottsand (Gottzendt) - Greinitz (Greinus)
Emilie Eleonore Gottsand (Gottzendt) * 1840 Lasdunenen, Taurage, Lithuania + Gottsand (Gottzendt) - Greinitz (Greinus)
Frederick Herrmann Gottsand (Gottzendt) * 1843 Lasdunenen, Taurage, Lithuania + Gottsand (Gottzendt) - Greinitz (Greinus)
Friedrich Wilhelm Gottsand (Gottzendt) * 1838 Lasdunenen, Taurage, Lithuania + 1855 Lasdunenen, Taurage, Lithuania Gottsand (Gottzendt) - Greinitz (Greinus)
Gottfried Johann Gottsand (Gottzendt) * 1827 + Gottsand (Gottzendt) - Greinitz (Greinus)
Johann Gottsand (Gottzendt) * 1791 Taurage, Lithuania + 1846 Lasdunenen, Taurage, Lithuania -
Julius Theodor Gottsand (Gottzendt) * 1836 Lasdunenen, Taurage, Lithuania + 1843 Gottsand (Gottzendt) - Greinitz (Greinus)
Marike Theresie Gottsand (Gottzendt) * 1834 Lasdunenen, Taurage, Lithuania + 1837 Gottsand (Gottzendt) - Greinitz (Greinus)
Michael Gottsand (Gottzendt) * 1823 + Gottsand (Gottzendt) - Greinitz (Greinus)
Berndt Gottsand Gocentas * 1960 + 1960 -
Hinrich Gottschalck * 1645 Kirchohsen, Emmerthal -
Gottschalk + -
Anike Gottschalk * 1849 Okslenszen + 1897 Zemaiciu Naumiestis, Lithuania -
Anna Justine Gottschalk * 1749 Lüntorf, Grohnde, Kgr. Hannover + 1809 Latferde 27, Grohnde, Kgr. Hannover -
Christian Gottschalk + -
Friedrich Wilhelm Gottschalk * 1845 Puskeppeln-Ksp.Neu-Argeningken, Tilsit-Ragnit + Gottschalk - Peter
Johann Gottschalk * 1808 + -
Johann Gottschalk * 1825 + -
Justine Gottschalk * 1794 Kaupjen, Taurage, Lithuania + 1862 Keschezen, Litauen -
Maria Caroline Wilhelmine Gottschalk * 1821 Baarsen + 1864 Börry (Oberbörry Nr 36/8) -
Susanna Gottschalk + -
Anna Gottschlich * 1859 + 1921 -
Reinhold Götz * 1913 Helenowka, Bender, Bessarabien, Russland + -
Maria Magdalena Götz Glunz * 1695 Oberbaldingen, Schwarzwald-Baar-Kreis + 1773 Oberbaldingen -
Hanne WILHELMINE Caroline Götze * 1860 Hohe-Hehlen + 1933 Thal, Bad Pyrmont -
Karolina Gotzeina + 1882 -
Ruth Cathryn Goudreau * 1899 + 1975 Goudreau - Kraft
Samuel Ferdinand Goudreau * 1870 + 1945 -
Aaron Simcha Grabina * 1934 Wyszków, Poland + 1942 Holocaust Grabina - Sikor
Abe (Avrum) Grabina * 1919 Wyszków, Poland + 2012 Queens, New York, USA Grabina - Sikor
Chana Grabina * 1886 Wyszków, Poland + Grabina - Sokol
Czarna Grabina * 1896 Warszawa, Poland + 1939 Holocaust Grabina - Sokol
Dawid Grabina * 1920 Wyszków, Poland + 1942 Holocaust Grabina - Sikor
Fejga Brana Grabina * 1881 Wyszków, Poland + 1948 Buenos Aires, Argentina Grabina - Sokol
Helen Sue (Chaika) Grabina * 1925 Wyszków, Poland + 2013 California Grabina - Sikor
Hershel Yehuda Grabina * 1921 Wyszków, Poland + 1942 Holocaust Grabina - Sikor
Icek Wolf (Velvel) Grabina * 1896 Wyszków, Poland + 1942 Holocaust Grabina - Sokol
Ira Wolf (Issak) Grabina * 1947 Tempelhoff, Berlin, Germany + 1976 New York Grabina - Holand
Leja Grabina * 1912 Wyszków, Poland + 1942 Holocaust Grabina - Sikor
Morris (Izrael Moszek) Grabina * 1917 Wyszków, Poland + 1983 Bronx, Bronx, New York Grabina - Sikor
Moszek Grabina * 1859 Wyszków, Poland + 1917 -
Second Child ben Jeszija Icok Grabina + 1942 Holocaust -
Shalom Grabina * 1894 Wyszków, Poland + 1939 Holocaust Grabina - Sokol
Sharon (Czarna) Grabina * 1945 Samarkand, Uzbekistan + 2003 Ramsey, Bergen, New Jersey Grabina - Rosenband
Solomon (Shlomo) Grabina * 1923 Wyszków, Poland + 1966 New York, USA Grabina - Sikor
Szmul Josef Grabiner * + 1939 Grabina - Sokol
Johanne Ernstine Gräbner * 1845 + -
Catharina Maria Grabow * 1757 Dierberg + 1840 Dierberg Grabow - Krebs
Hans Grabow + -
Grabowski + 1887 -
Christof Grade * 1781 + 1829 -
Eleonore Grade * 1810 Prussia + 1849 Neu Arzis, Akkerman (Wyschnjaky, Rajon Arzys/Ukraine)/Bessarabien Grade -
Friedrich Grade * 1812 Paris, Bessarabia, Russia + 1877 Arzis, Bessarabia, Russia Grade -
Friedrich Grade * 1872 Alt Arzis, Bessarabia, UKR, USSR + 1872 Grade - Krueger
Johann Grade * 1800 + 1829 Arcis, Bessarabia Grade -
Johann Grade * 1873 Alt Arzis, Bessarabia, UKR, USSR Grade - Krueger
Karolina Grade * 1808 Prussia + 1863 Brienne Bessarabia, Russland Grade -
Lydia Grade * 1880 Alt Arzis, Bessarabia, UKR, USSR Grade - Krueger
Pauline (Paulina) Grade * 1883 Alt Arzis, Bessarabia, UKR, USSR Grade - Krueger
Wilhelm Grade * 1849 Alt Arzis, Bessarabia, UKR, USSR + 1932 Arzis/Bessarabia -
Wilhelm Grade * 1876 Alt Arzis, Bessarabia, UKR, USSR Grade - Krueger
Wilhelmine Grade * 1875 Alt Arzis, Bessarabia, UKR, USSR Grade - Krueger
Rudolf Horst Gradtke * 1936 Taurage, Lithuania + 2014 Xenia, Greene County, Ohio, USA Graedtke - Heide
Antonina Graeber * 1930 + 1979 722726, Leninpol, Kyrgyzstan Graeber - Wall
Michel Graeber * 1681 Denkendorf, Eßlingen, Württemberg, Germany + 1739 Herzogsweiler, Pfalzgrafenweiler, Freudenstadt, Württemberg, Germany -
Paul Graeber + -
Alma B. Graedtke * 1931 Taurage, Lithuania + 2019 USA Graedtke - Heide
Edith Amanda Graedtke * 1928 Taurage, Lithuania + 2019 USA Graedtke - Heide
Emil Richard Graedtke * 1897 Taurage, Lithuania + 1971 Los Angeles County, California, USA Graetke - Meyer
Gurdi Gunver Graedtke * 1942 Wischwill, East Prussia + 2008 Santa Barbara, California, USA Graedtke - Heide
Johanna Elisabeth Graedtke * 1926 Tilsit, East Prussia + 2000 Montgomery, Dayton County, Ohio, USA Graedtke - Heide
Melanie Graedtke * 1924 Taurage, Lithuania + 1966 Germany Graedtke - Heide
Ahlke Margrete Graefenstein * 1807 Kirchdorf, Aurich, Niedersachsen, Germany + 1859 Schmalenfleth, Brake (Unterweser), Wesermarsch, Niedersachsen, Germany Graefenstein - Stoever
Elise Rebecka Graefenstein * 1841 Hammelwarden, Brake, Oldenburg, Germany Gräfenstein - Meyer
Gerhard Diedrich Graefenstein -
Johanne Henriette Graefenstein * 1844 Hammelwarden, Brake, Oldenburg, Germany + 1846 Hammelwarden, Brake, Oldenburg, Germany Gräfenstein - Meyer
Theodor Friedrich Graefenstein * 1869 Kirchhammelwarden, Hammelwarden, Wesermarsch, Deutschland + 1930 Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA Gräfenstein - Rathjen
Anna Elisabeth Graehl * 1775 + -
Eva Graessle * 1844 Borodino, Bessarabien + 1876 Borodino, Bessarabien -
Anna Maria Graetke * 1770 Barragienen, Georgenburg, East Prussia + Graetke - Noakin
August Graetke * Szukken, Aulowoenen, East Prussia + Ohio, United States Graetke - Ruddatis
Auguste Bertha Graetke * 1848 Schuicken, Aulowoenen, East Prussia + 1924 Taurage, Lithuania Graetke - Ruddatis
Catharina Graetke * 1818 Uzezzern, Georgenburg, Insterburg, East Prussia + 1823 Uzezzern, Georgenburg, Insterburg, East Prussia Graetke - Lukkath
Christian Graetke * 1798 Uzezzern, Georgenburg, Insterburg, East Prussia + Graetke - Schaeferin
Christian Graetke * 1769 Barragienen, Georgenburg, East Prussia + 1769 Barragienen, Georgenburg, East Prussia Graetke - Noakin
Christina Graetke * 1806 Uzezzern, Georgenburg, Insterburg, East Prussia + Graetke - Schaeferin
Christina Graetke * 1809 Uszeszern, Georgenburg, East Prussia + Graetke - Schaffer
Christoph Graetke * 1718 + 1779 Barragienen, Georgenburg, East Prussia -
Christoph Graetke + Graetke -
Christoph Graetke * 1773 Barragienen, Georgenburg, East Prussia + Graetke - Noakin
Christoph Graetke * 1812 Uszeszern, Georgenburg, East Prussia + Graetke - Schaffer
Emma Graetke * 1901 Dayton, Montgomery, Ohio, United States + Graetke - Boerschmann
Erdmuth Graetke * 1796 Uszeszern, Georgenburg, East Prussia + Graetke - Schaffer
Erdmuth Graetke * 1796 Uzezzern, Georgenburg, Insterburg, East Prussia + 1799 Uzezzern, Georgenburg, Insterburg, East Prussia Graetke - Schaeferin
Erkme Graetke * 1774 Uzezzern, Georgenburg, Insterburg, East Prussia + 1796 Uzezzern, Georgenburg, Insterburg, East Prussia Graetke - Schaeferin
Friedrich Graetke * 1803 Uzezzern, Georgenburg, Insterburg, East Prussia + 1807 Uzezzern, Georgenburg, Insterburg, East Prussia Graetke - Schaeferin
Friedrich Graetke * 1777 Barragienen, Georgenburg, East Prussia + 1782 Barragienen, Georgenburg, East Prussia Graetke - Noakin
George Graetke * 1757 Barragienen, Georgenburg, East Prussia + Graetke -
George Graetke * 1758 Barragienen, Georgenburg, East Prussia + 1761 Barragienen, Georgenburg, East Prussia Graetke -
Gottlieb Graetke * 1820 Uszeszern, Georgenburg, East Prussia + 1905 Taurage, Lithuania Graetke - Lukkath
Helmuth Wilhelm Graetke * 1854 Schuiken, Aulowoenen, East Prussia + 1927 Montgomery County, Dayton, Ohio, USA Graetke - Ruddatis
Johan Graetke + Graetke -
Johann Graetke * 1764 Barragienen, Georgenburg, East Prussia + Graetke - Noakin
Juliana Graetke + 1805 Uszeszern, Georgenburg, East Prussia Graetke - Schaffer
Louise Graetke * 1816 Uzezzern, Georgenburg, Insterburg, East Prussia + Graetke - Lukkath
Maria Graetke * 1801 Uszeszern, Georgenburg, East Prussia + Graetke - Schaffer
Martin Graetke * 1798 Uszeszern, Georgenburg, East Prussia + Graetke - Schaffer
Martin Graetke * 1787 Barragienen, Georgenburg, East Prussia + Graetke - Schaeferin
Martin Graetke * 1766 Barragienen, Georgenburg, East Prussia + 1811 Uzezzern, Georgenburg, Insterburg, East Prussia Graetke - Noakin
Martin Graetke + 1807 Graetke -
Martins Graetke * 1818 Uzezzern, Georgenburg, East Prussia + 1819 Uszeszern, Georgenburg, East Prussia George - Erdmuth
Michael Graetke * 1760 Barragienen, Georgenburg, East Prussia + Graetke -
Michael Graetke * 1800 Uzezzern, Georgenburg, Insterburg, East Prussia + Graetke - Schaeferin
Michael Graetke * 1761 Barragienen, Georgenburg, East Prussia + 1761 Barragienen, Georgenburg, East Prussia Graetke -
Rudolf G. Graetke * 1844 Szukken, Aulowoenen, East Prussia + 1909 Taurage, Lithuania Graetke - Ruddatis
Wilhelmine Graetke * 1858 Taurage, Lithuania + Graetke - Ruddatis
Anna Maria Graetkin + Graetke -
Elisabeth Graetkin * 1770 Padrojen, Georgenburg, Insterburg, East Prussia + 1824 Padrojen, Georgenburg, Insterburg, East Prussia Graetke -
Margaretha Graetkin * 1750 Barragienen, Georgenburg, East Prussia + 1817 Pagelienen, Georgenburg, East Prussia Graetke -
Gottlob Graetz * 1817 Jaromirz + Graetz - Schleicher
Johann Friedrich Graetz + 1842 Jaromirz -
Johann Friedrich Graetz * 1824 Jaromirz + Graetz - Schleicher
Johanne Beate Graetz * 1826 Jaromirz + 1826 Jaromirz Graetz - Schleicher
Maria Dorothea Graetz * 1819 Jaromirs + Graetz - Schleicher
Rosine Dorothee Graetz * 1822 Jaromirz + Graetz - Schleicher
Wilhelm Graetz * 1827 Jaromirz + Graetz - Schleicher
Anna Louise Graewer * 1821 Schemetischken, Taurage, Lithuania + Graewer -
Carl Graewer + -
Caroline Graewer * 1824 Schemetischken, Taurage, Lithuania + Graewer -
George Gottlieb Graewer * 1822 Schemetischken, Taurage, Lithuania + Graewer -
Gustav Graewer * 1843 Szemetiszken, Taurage, Lithuania + - Graewer
Pauline Graewer * 1864 Warnaitschen, Taurage, Lithuania + Bukintlauken, Lithuania Grewer - Meuller
Wilhelmine Graewer * 1819 Schemetischken, Taurage, Lithuania + -
Bertha Emilie Graez * 1864 Ruden + 1892 Ruden Graez - Pietsch
Christian Graez * 1771 Unter-Tepperbuden + 1813 Silz Graez - Sommer
Christoph Graez + 1804 Unter-Tepperbuden -
Elisabeth Graez * 1753 + 1823 Wiltz -
Emma Graez * 1869 Ruden + Graez - Pietsch
George Graez + Ruden -
Johann George Graez * 1760 + 1823 Ruden Graez - Hansel
Johann Samuel Graez * 1825 Ruden + Graez - Pietsch
Maria Elisabeth Graez + 1819 Kreutz -
Matthäus Graez * 1791 + 1875 Ruden Graez - Herkt


Titel Wilhelm, Petereit Family Tree
Beschreibung Wilhelm Family Name is from Marzhausen, Neu-Eichenberg, Werra- Meissner-Kreis, Hessen, Deutschland and the most recent births for my 3rd grandparents in Linden, Hannover, Germany Petereit Family name is from Prussia and ending with my great grandfather in Tauroggen, Lithuania Krompholz Family name if from Salzburg, Österreich and then moved to Lithuania. Wenger, Pfieffenberger, Amaisserin, Neufang Family names are from Bad Hofgastein, Salzburg, Austria and Undberg, Salzburg, Austria and also Dorff, Salzburg, Austria
Hochgeladen 2020-10-24 18:11:37.0
Einsender user's avatar Susan Knight Wilhelm
E-Mail susanwilhelm113@hotmail.com
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