
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
Karl Ludwig Köller * 1772 of Lothe, Lippe, Germany + -
Friedrich Karl Konrad Möller or Köller * 1796 of Lothe, Lippe, Germany + 1869 Lothe, Lippe, Germany Möller - Vogeler or Tielke
Johann-Friedrich Mühlenhof * 1742 of Lothe, Lippe, Germany + Mühlenhof or Schweinemeister - Köllermeier
Anne Catrine Pameier * 1742 of Lothe, Lippe, Germany -
Christine Elisabeth Riesen * 1746 of Lothe, Lippe, Germany + -
Amalie Sophie Vogeler or Tielke * 1757 of Lothe, Lippe, Germany + 1837 -