
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
Thomas Costello * 1898 District of Columbia + 1908 Washington DC, District of Columbia, USA Costello - Kauffman
Thomas Aloysius Costello * 1898 District of Columbia + 1908 Washington DC, District of Columbia, USA Costello - Kaufmann
Henry Hinsch * 1922 Washington DC, District of Columbia, USA + 1923 Washington DC, District of Columbia, USA Hinsch - Forster
Katherine Gertrude "Katie" Powers * 1852 Pittsford, Rutland Co., Vermont + 1916 Washington DC, District of Columbia, USA Powers - Rogers
Katherine Gertrude "Katie" Powers * 1852 Pittsford, Rutland Co., Vermont + 1916 Washington DC, District of Columbia, USA Powers - Rogers
Irene B Reifenrath * 1922 Crofton, Knox, Nebraska, USA + 2018 Washington DC, District of Columbia, USA Reifenrath - Gerlach