
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
Isabelle McKelvey Briggs * 1897 District of Columbia + 1980 Swarthmore, Delaware, Pennsylvania, USA Briggs - Cook
Isabelle McKelvey Briggs * 1897 District of Columbia + 1980 Swarthmore, Delaware, Pennsylvania, USA Briggs - Cook
Christian Eugene Lappe * 1859 Allegheny County, Pennsylvania + 1939 Swarthmore, Delaware, Pennsylvania, USA Lappe - Robitzer
Emma Amelia Pabst * 1860 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA + 1937 Swarthmore, Delaware, Pennsylvania, USA Pabst - Gross
Maja Lore Schade * 1904 Postillon, Paraguay + 1979 Swarthmore, Delaware, Pennsylvania, USA Schade - Paschen