
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
Heinrich Friedrich Jacob Bünting * 1843 Plaggenburg Aurich, Hannover, Kingdom of Prussia, Germany Bünting - Carls
Newborn Sohn Bunting * 1841 Plaggenburg Aurich, Hannover, Kingdom of Prussia, Germany + 1841 Plaggenburg Aurich, Hannover, Kingdom of Prussia, Germany Bünting - Carls
Johann Christian Friedrich * 1763 Plaggenburg Aurich, Hannover, Kingdom of Prussia, Germany + 1816 Plaggenburg [Aurich] Friederich - Ludwig
Johann Christian Friedrich * 1763 Plaggenburg Aurich, Hannover, Kingdom of Prussia, Germany + 1816 Plaggenburg [Aurich] Friederichs - Ludwig
Jacob Reuss * 1771 Plaggenburg Aurich, Hannover, Kingdom of Prussia, Germany + 1828 Plaggenburg Aurich, Hannover, Kingdom of Prussia, Germany Reis - Friederich
Maria Margaretha Wübbenhorst * 1811 Plaggenburg Aurich, Hannover, Kingdom of Prussia, Germany Wübbenhorst - Wendeling