
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
Reuben McVay * 1792 Pennsylvania, United States of America McVay - McVay
Reuben McVay * 1792 Pennsylvania, United States of America McVay - McVay
George Valentine Porz * 1889 Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, Ohio, United States of America + 1963 Washington County, Ohio, United States of America Porz - Hartel ( Hetchel )
John James Walker * 1819 Newport, Washington County, Ohio, United States of America + 1892 Dodge County, Minnesota, United States of America Walker - Knapp
John James Walker * 1819 Newport, Washington County, Ohio, United States of America + 1892 Dodge County, Minnesota, United States of America Walker - Knapp