
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
Sir Nicholas De Gresley * 1345 Colton, Staffordshire, England + 1380 Morton, Derbyshire, England Gresley, Earl of Drakelow - Swynnerton, Countess Drakelow
Sir Geoffrey III De Gresley, Earl of Drakelow * 1298 Morton, Derbyshire, England + 1331 Burton Upon Trent, Derbyshire, England De Gresley, Earl of Drakelow - Stafford, Countess of Drakelow
Sir John De Gresley, Earl of Drakelow * 1325 Morton, Derbyshire, England + 1395 Drakelowe Hall, Gresley, Morton, Derbyshire, England De Gresley, Earl of Drakelow - Gernon, Countess Drakelow
Emott MacHan * 1573 Morton, Derbyshire, England + 1655 Wirksworth, Derbyshire, England MacHan - Spencer
Thomas MacHan * 1539 Morton, Derbyshire, England + 1600 Derbyshire, England -
Frances Paiot Perrott * 1545 Morton, Derbyshire, England + 1620 England -
Elizabeth Spencer * 1542 Morton, Derbyshire, England + 1596 Derbyshire, England Spencer -
George Spencer * 1520 Morton, Derbyshire, England -