
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
King of Scotland Duncan I * 1013 Atholl, Perthshire, Scotland + 1040 Morayshire, Scotland killed, Bayern, Germany Crinan - Bethoc Beatrice
King of Scotland Duncan I * 1013 Atholl, Perthshire, Scotland + 1040 Morayshire, Scotland killed, Bayern, Germany Crinan - Bethoc Beatrice
King of Scotland Duncan I * 1013 Atholl, Perthshire, Scotland + 1040 Morayshire, Scotland killed, Bayern, Germany Crinan - Bethoc Beatrice
King of Scotland Duncan I * 1013 Atholl, Perthshire, Scotland + 1040 Morayshire, Scotland killed, Bayern, Germany Crinan - Bethoc Beatrice
King of Scotland Duncan I * 1013 Atholl, Perthshire, Scotland + 1040 Morayshire, Scotland killed, Bayern, Germany Crinan - Bethoc Beatrice