
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
Dorcas Esther Bethers * 1877 Lyons, Rice County, Kansas, United States of America + 1962 McPherson, McPherson County, Kansas, United States of America Wynn - Bacon
Samuel Milton Dell * 1899 Holmesville, Gage County, Nebraska + 1986 McPherson, McPherson County, Kansas Dell - Cullen
Samuel Milton Dell * 1899 Holmesville, Gage County, Nebraska + 1986 McPherson, McPherson County, Kansas Dell - Cullen
David Ray Dodge * 1929 Lincoln, Lincoln County, Kansas, USA + 2011 McPherson, McPherson County, Kansas, USA -
Arba Clayton Ferris * 1884 Conway, McPherson County, Kansas + 1966 McPherson, McPherson County, Kansas, USA -
Blanche Wallis Groome * 1887 Ottawa, Franklin, Kansas, USA + 1980 Kansas Groome - Seavert
Bertha Johanna "Betsy" Jacobson * 1845 Norway + 1905 McPherson, McPherson County, Kansas, USA -
Jens "James" Lorenson * 1840 Norway + 1906 McPherson, Kansas, USA -
Parks Earl McCleary * 1879 Pennsylvania + 1949 Galva, McPherson, Kansas, United States McCleary - Schell
Samuel Arthur Miller * 1991 McPherson, McPherson County, Kansas, USA + 1991 McPherson, McPherson County, Kansas, USA -
Dayton Francis Schmalzried * 1901 McPherson, McPherson County, Kansas, USA + 1984 Dighton, Lane County, Kansas, USA -
Miriam Evelyn Wenrick * 1902 Leeton, Johnson County, Missouri + 1991 McPherson, McPherson County, Kansas -
Miriam Evelyn Wenrick * 1902 Leeton, Johnson County, Missouri + 1991 McPherson, McPherson County, Kansas -