
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
Thomas Edward Sir Knight Clerke DeClarke De Clarke * 1315 Woodchurch, Kent, England + 1368 Manor of Beaumes, Berkshire, England Clarke - Myers deWoodchurch
Thomas Edward Sir Knight Clerke DeClarke De Clarke * 1315 Woodchurch, Kent, England + 1368 Manor of Beaumes, Berkshire, England Clarke - Myers deWoodchurch
Thomas Edward Sir Knight Clerke DeClarke De Clarke * 1315 Woodchurch, Kent, England + 1368 Manor of Beaumes, Berkshire, England Clarke - Myers deWoodchurch
Thomas Edward Sir Knight Clerke DeClarke De Clarke * 1315 Woodchurch, Kent, England + 1368 Manor of Beaumes, Berkshire, England Clarke - Myers deWoodchurch
Thomas Edward Sir Knight Clerke DeClarke De Clarke * 1315 Woodchurch, Kent, England + 1368 Manor of Beaumes, Berkshire, England Clarke - Myers deWoodchurch