
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
Franciscus Des Paula Sevšek * 1889 Kamenca #29, Dolsko, Slovenia + 1918 Eveleth, St. Louis County, Minnesota, USA46225 NOV 1918Death Certificate Frank SEVS'EK's death certificate is listed under the name Susek. The place of death is 73 Norman Avenue, Fayal, St. Louis County. He is listed as a married white male. Date of birth Sevšek - Vidmar
Franciscus Des Paula Sevšek * 1889 Kamenca #29, Dolsko, Slovenia + 1918 Eveleth, St. Louis County, Minnesota, USA46225 NOV 1918Death Certificate Frank SEVS'EK's death certificate is listed under the name Susek. The place of death is 73 Norman Avenue, Fayal, St. Louis County. He is listed as a married white male. Date of birth Sevšek - Vidmar