
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
Anton Baumgartner * 1821 Strassburg one of the Kutschurgan Villages, Odessa Province, South, Russia + 1893 Green, Wisconsin, United States Baumgartner -
Anton Baumgartner * 1821 Strassburg one of the Kutschurgan Villages, Odessa Province, South, Russia + 1893 Green, Wisconsin, United States Baumgartner -
Christina Epler Bechtolt * 1816 Union City, Union, Pennsylvania, United States + 1897 Green, Wisconsin, United States Bechtolt - Epler
Valentine Mornica Haas * 1830 Juniata, Pennsylvania, United States + 1911 Green, Wisconsin, United States Haas - Mitterling
John William Phillips * 1858 Browntown, Green, Wisconsin, United States + 1925 Green, Wisconsin, United States Phillips - Bechtolt