
Vorname Familienname Details Eltern Datenbank
William DeNeville * 1201 Dunham, Nottinghamshire, England + 1301 Raby, Durham, England Fitzmaldred - DeNeville
William DeNeville * 1201 Dunham, Nottinghamshire, England + 1301 Raby, Durham, England Fitzmaldred - DeNeville
William DeNeville * 1201 Dunham, Nottinghamshire, England + 1301 Raby, Durham, England Fitzmaldred - DeNeville
William DeNeville * 1201 Dunham, Nottinghamshire, England + 1301 Raby, Durham, England Fitzmaldred - DeNeville
William DeNeville * 1201 Dunham, Nottinghamshire, England + 1301 Raby, Durham, England Fitzmaldred - DeNeville
Joshua Billiard Ely Justice of Burlington Co. * 1652 Dunham, Nottinghamshire, England + 1702 Trenton, Burlington, New Jersey Colony Ely - Heath
Joshua Billiard Ely Justice of Burlington Co. * 1652 Dunham, Nottinghamshire, England + 1702 Trenton, Burlington, New Jersey Colony Ely - Heath